
More than 16,000 homes in the ACT have rooftop solar

More than 16,000 homes in the ACT have rooftop solar systems, new figures from the Clean Energy Regulator have revealed.

And the number of Australian homes with rooftop solar is now more than 1.5 million.

More than 1.5 million Australian homes now have rooftop solar panels.
More than 1.5 million Australian homes now have rooftop solar panels. Photo: Glenn Hunt

In Canberra, the post code with the most rooftop solar panels is 2615, which includes the suburbs of Flynn, Dunlop, Flynn, Fraser, Higgins, Holt, Kippax and Spence.

The regulator's figures also show a peak in solar panel installation in the years between 2010-14, depending on the state, before the numbers start to drop.

Queensland boasts the highest number of homes with rooftop solar panels with 465.994, and the Northern Territory the lowest with 5190.

The ACT has a total of 16,469, NSW has 325,918 and Victoria 277,690.


South Australia has 193,065, Tasmania has 26,264 and Western Australia 196,176.

Australian rooftop solar systems are generating more than 4.7 gigawatts of power, the same as four major power stations, Australian Solar Council chief John Grimes said.

"In suburbs and towns rights across the country, more than 1.5 million families are saving money on their power bills thanks to rooftop solar.

"Collectively, they are generating the same amount of energy as four large power stations, with zero emissions, which gives new meaning to the term 'people power'."

Australian households with between one and two residents used about 5600 kilowatts per year, according to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.

Mr Grimes said rooftop solar was also for the benefit of other users of electricity.

"Rooftop solar has created a whole new industry which employs some 20,000 people and creates clean energy at times when we need it most, like during heatwaves.

"This helps the system cope and suppresses electricity prices."

Claire O'Rourke, national director of Solar Citizens – a community organisation – said new solar technologies were becoming available at a decreasing price.

"Australians want clean, renewable, efficient and affordable electricity, which is why the government must deliver strong policies that will help people access the many benefits of solar and get a fair return on their rooftop investment."