
Australian oil refineries are closing, but Vitol believes it can defy the trend

Swiss oil trader Vitol could hardly have timed its entry to the Australian fuel market better.

When it emerged as the buyer of Shell's local downstream business in February 2014, there was a degree of surprise that anyone would want to take on the ageing, loss-making refinery at its heart.

Scott Wyatt is leading Viva Energy into a new era in Australian refining.
Scott Wyatt is leading Viva Energy into a new era in Australian refining. Photo: Pat Scala

Australia's fleet of oil refineries had been closing down with alarming regularity before the transaction, and on announcing itself as the new owner and saviour of the Geelong asset, Vitol conceded that it was taking a punt that the industry's headwinds would recede.

"We are making a bet that refining will be a cyclically good business," said chief executive Ian Taylor on February 21, 2014.

Keeping the refinery in the black longer term will be a major achievement, given the long list of recent refinery ...
Keeping the refinery in the black longer term will be a major achievement, given the long list of recent refinery closures in Australia. Photo: Rob Homer

Almost one year later, the purchase looks exquisitely timed thanks to a 10 per cent fall in the Australian dollar dragging down the cost of labour at the refinery.

The cost of buying crude oil, one of the major consumables for the refinery, has also fallen  54 per cent. 


While Australia's small and ageing refineries will always struggle to compete with the new mega-refineries of South East Asia, the combination of events has given Vitol the best possible start to life in Australia. 

The $2.9 billion purchase also gave Vitol control of Shell's network of 870 petrol stations; most of which are still branded in Shell livery and are managed by Coles Express.

The Australian assets were re-branded as Viva Energy after the Abu Dhabi Investment Council joined Vitol in the investment, and it is now being run by former Shell Australia Downstream vice-president Scott Wyatt.

The Geelong refinery posted losses in  2012 and 2013, and while Mr Wyatt refused to say whether it was profitable in 2014, he confirmed that the financial performance had improved.

"In a general sense last year has been better than the years before for Geelong," he said.

"It still had a very difficult first half of the year when refining margins were quite soft, but refining margins were much stronger in the second half and Geelong has performed pretty well in the second half, so there is a lot we can take out of 2014 which gives us confidence about the ability to make Geelong a success."

Keeping the refinery in the black longer term will be a major achievement, given the long list of recent refinery closures in Australia.

Shell announced the closure of Sydney's Clyde refinery in 2011, and Caltex called time on Sydney's Kurnell refinery a year later. When BP announced the closure of Queensland's Bulwer Island refinery in April 2014, Australia had slashed 42 per cent of its refining capacity in the space of three years.   

Former Shell Australia chairman Russell Caplan summed up the pessimism around the future of refining in Australia when he said the economics suggested the local assets should close.

"This is a game where size does matter. The economics would say they should close," he reportedly said in September.

But Mr Wyatt is more optimistic, with Vitol's success in running ageing refineries in Switzerland and Germany - nations with similar high cost challenges to Australia - giving the local team confidence.

"If you front-up the challenges and recognise you have disadvantages compared to some of your competitors, but focus on the things that give you an advantage and that you know you can do well ... then I think there is a space there for refining in Australia," he said.

His plan to ensure survival at Geelong is based a couple of strategies, including a plan to sell fuel as close to the refinery as possible.

The plan will mean almost 100 per cent of ordinary fuel sales will be made in Victoria, unlike previous years when about 25 per cent of Geelong's production was shipped to other states.

"Every barrel you stick on a ship to send somewhere else you never get that cost back again. You are far better off to sell it into your home state," he said.

Another part of Mr Wyatt's plan is to produce more products that are not made by the Asian mega-refineries.

"Focusing on growing our niche products just helps protect Geelong a little bit from some of that international competition," he said.

Geelong is one of just two sites in Australia that still make bitumen, and one of only three sites in the southern hemisphere that make fuel for propellor-powered aircraft.

Growing sales of these niche products will help differentiate Geelong, and could see it export bitumen to other states, and export the propeller fuel to other nations in the Asia-Pacific.

With the decline of Australian manufacturing is still a sensitive political topic, Mr Wyatt hopes state governments in Australia will take the opportunity to use locally made bitumen for roads. He also hopes consumers will see the opportunity to buy fuel that is refined by local workers.

"It does mean from a consumers' point of view that if you are buying your fuel from a Shell branded outlet or some of the other retailers we supply, you are supporting jobs in Victoria and Australia," he said.

The federal government has awarded Geelong a contract to supply low aromatic fuels to parts of northern Australia, in an expansion of the work done by BP to combat petrol sniffing in remote communities.

So far the strategy is working, but Mr Wyatt says  Geelong's long term survival will depend on whether it can make enough money in the good times, to fund the significant maintenance costs that come around twice each decade in the refining game.

"Every four or five years the major units in the refinery need to have a service, you need to take them out, take them apart, clean them out, do an integrity check and make sure they are fit to run for the next four or five years," he said.

Viva will spend $150 million on such maintenance over the next two years, and whether the company can fund the next round of works in five years time will be determined by the profits made between now and then.

"We have to make sure we make good use of the good times so we put enough away to manage the business through the tougher times, because they will come," he said.