Undercover : Season 1

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  • Summary: Barrister Maya Cobbina QC (Sophie Okonedo) is approached to become the Director of Public Prosecutions, only to find secrets from her husband's past threaten not only her family but also her 20-year-long appeal of death row inmate Rudy Jones (Dennis Haysbert) in this Peter Moffat drama.
  • Genre(s): Drama

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Reviewed by: Danette Chavez
    Nov 16, 2016
    Okonedo and Lester shine in their roles as marrieds and determined professionals; their performances keep the whole thing from completely going off the rails, even during the goofy conclusion. Undercover isn’t exactly a misstep for Moffat, but it does lack the focus we’re accustomed to seeing in his work.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Reviewed by: Ray Rahman
    Nov 11, 2016
    The complex plotting is a small hurdle at first, but [Peter] Moffat's talent is turning the arcane into intense and gripping human drama. [18 Nov 2016, p.53]
  3. Reviewed by: Michael Starr
    Nov 14, 2016
    The acting here is terrific, particularly among veterans Okonedo (Oscar-nominated for “Hotel Rwanda”), Haysbert (“The Unit” and those Allstate commercials) and Lester (“Girlfriends”), who all deliver meaty, nuanced performances.
  4. Reviewed by: David Wiegand
    Nov 16, 2016
    Undercover could have been far better, but it just isn’t. Nonetheless, it’s worth your time, if only to wallow in the brilliance of Okonedo’s performance and to consider what might have been if only Moffat had exercised some restraint.
  5. Reviewed by: Meredith Blake
    Nov 16, 2016
    Like both “Criminal Justice” and “The Night Of,” “Undercover” is concerned with the collateral damage wrought by the legal system, with its corrosive effect on lawyers, judges, defendants and, in this case, undercover cops. Unfortunately, these worthy and relevant themes get lost in the overgrown narrative weeds.
  6. TV Guide Magazine
    Reviewed by: Matt Roush
    Nov 3, 2016
    The series starts strong as it establishes its hooks, but fails to stick any of its underwhelming climaxes. [7 - 20 Nov 2016, p.13]
  7. Reviewed by: Mike Hale
    Nov 16, 2016
    In the end, it doesn’t really come close to making sense, which is the worst thing you can say about this type of show.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 1
  2. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Nov 19, 2016
    This show becomes messier and more convoluted every episode. What was the writer thinking. His other work was so much better. The story isThis show becomes messier and more convoluted every episode. What was the writer thinking. His other work was so much better. The story is taken in skeleton frame from a true story of an undercover cop who uses a woman as a cover and even gets her pregnant, so he can infiltrate a green movement, while committing crimes. They should have stuck with that story. Instead it throws so many implausible scenarios in that it becomes comical. Okenedo, a great actress, doesn't help by being so ultra serious and intense that she comes off as a farcical character. In the end we are left with no clue about the bad guys motivations. Why go to such lengths? You expect an aria and get a ditty. Expand