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The prescription for a healthier Australia

Australia's health

Dramatically cutting salt levels in processed foods sold in Australia could save an estimated 3500 lives each year by reducing cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney disease, according to a new report.

Coal station closures inevitable, start planning: Labor and Greens

The Hazelwood power station will close in March.

Many of Australia's coal-fired power stations will shut in coming years no matter what the government does, but a national plan will be needed to ensure the lights stay on and price rises are limited while they are replaced with cleaner models, Labor and the Greens say.

Seized NBN documents to remain under seal

Former Labor communications spokesman Jason Clare. has won a battle to have documents protected by parliamentary privilege

Documents seized by the Australian Federal Police in raids on Parliament House should remain sealed and be returned to the Opposition, according to a powerful parliamentary committee.

'See you in court': law student rejects Labor MP's apology

Labor frontbencher Terri Butler apologised for her comments on Q&A but Calum Thwaites said it wasn't good enough.

A stoush between a Queensland law student and Labor frontbencher Terri Butler over claims of a "racist smear" is bound for court after he bluntly rejected her apology as a "sham" and vowed to press ahead with a $150,000 defamation lawsuit.

AFL throws out Dank appeal, ASADA goes whack

No show: Stephen Dank did not appear at his scheduled hearing.

ASADA has taken aim at disgraced sports scientist Stephen Dank after his appeal against a lifetime ban from sport was formally thrown out by the AFL Appeal Board on Monday.