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This is the AirBNB of car parks


Gayle Bryant

Founder of Divvy: Nick Austin.

Founder of Divvy: Nick Austin.

MySmallBusiness is running a selection of readers' favourite stories from 2014 over summer. This is one of them.

Trying to find a car park space is a source of frustration for many commuters. But a new collaborative concept is making great strides in alleviating this problem.

Divvy Parking connects owners of vacant car spaces with car drivers wanting to rent them. Founder Nick Austin says drivers can pay up to 50 per cent less than what it costs to park in a commercial car park.

"In some Sydney suburbs, owners of car parks are making between $50 to $90 a week for renting out their spaces," he says. "Divvy uses smart technology to open up those spaces, helping commuters find safe, secure and affordable parking in convenient locations."

Mr Austin says thousands of vacant and underutilised spaces are peppered throughout cities. "We provide an alternative solution to the large parking operators such as Wilson and Secure Parking," he says. "We believe we've found a niche that hasn't been tapped into before and a big opportunity that sits outside the traditional marketplace."

He says the large car park operators have a particular business model and Divvy's is quite different. "We originally launched in Sydney and have achieved more than 300,000 parking days to date. We have over 3000 members and we're growing month on month."

Finding a parking space is only going to get worse as our cities become more crowded. A report by Colliers International and Parking & Traffic Consultants, Australian CBD Car Parking – The Next Decade, found that while between 2006 and 2011 the number of car spaces increased from 141,690 to 153,400, the rate of increase has slowed dramatically.

As the population increases and more people commute to work, issues around car parking will be exacerbated.

The report also found that parking rates in Australian CBDs are among the most expensive in the world: Sydney CBD makes the top 10 for monthly parking rates and Melbourne and Sydney CBDs are both in the top four for the daily rate.

Mr Austin says the idea for Divvy came from reading about collaborative consumption. "I thought it was an interesting business model that was starting to solve issues in cities around the world," he says. "And in Sydney, I saw that this could be a way to use spaces that weren't being utilised."

Anybody can list vacant car spaces, including individuals who have a parking spot they don't use or a commercial building or retail centre. "The platform works across all types," Mr Austin says. "We've created a system that allows everyone to use it."

Listing is free for the owner, who also determines what rent is charged, although Divvy provides guidance on rates in that area.

"Typically, [Divvy] rates will be 20 to 50 per cent cheaper for that area," Mr Austin says. "It's all location-based, so in high-demand areas, such as in Sydney's Pyrmont, Surry Hills or North Sydney, the rates will be higher."

A booking will either be automatically accepted or a member can do it manually.  Divvy also carries out checks on all members.

"The owners of the parking space get paid monthly and all bookings are on a month-by-month basis," Mr Austin says. "We thought long-term was where the need was."

Divvy makes its money by taking a percentage from the rental payments.

Mr Austin says the main challenges he faced with setting up were similar to any small business. "We needed to build confidence in the model with the members. We also had to build trust as we are responsible for all payments."

Divvy has since expanded into Melbourne and will soon launch in Brisbane.

"We're also looking to expand into countries such as New Zealand and throughout Asia," Mr Austin says. "Asian cities are dense and parking is becoming more of a problem. Prices for parking also keep going up."

But the big operators have also been making moves to adapt to changing market demands. Wilson Parking chief executive Craig Smith says there has been a huge shift in the way his organisation does business, based on e-commerce transactions.

"We were the first parking operator to introduce an online booking system into car parks – Book a Bay – which has absolutely taken off," he says. "By September this year we had 230,000 customers who had used this service. We recently relaunched our website for hand-held devices: 50 per cent of visits to our site were done though mobile devices whereas, five years ago, this was 10 per cent."

While Mr Smith says Divvy is an interesting model it offers a different proposition to Wilson. "I think from a customer viewpoint, with Divvy you don't have a system operating in the car park you're using – if anything goes wrong you need to contact Divvy and then they need to contact the owner," he says. "Our ParkWatch service has people monitoring carparks all over Australia so if anything goes wrong we can sort it out straight away."

Nevertheless, Mr Austin says as cities grow and change there is more pressure on infrastructure, so there is a need for solutions such as Divvy that allow consumers to connect in a smart way.

"Generations coming through expect this type of connectivity and the ability to book or buy something at the touch of the button," he says. "You can already rent an apartment through Airbnb or book a car this way through Uber. There is so much momentum in this space and the general community is really embracing it."

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