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How's that breakdancing thing working out?


Louis White

When Zachary Rook's dance dream failed to materialise he turned his attention to something more lucrative.

Moving on up: Zachary Rook has developed a very successful business in Queensland.

Moving on up: Zachary Rook has developed a very successful business in Queensland.

As a professional breakdancer, Zachary Rook was finding it hard to make a living.

Despite being very talented, the cash wasn't flowing. With plenty of spare time on his hands, Rook knew that he had to find an alternative income to keep his dream alive and realised that helping people move was a great way to keep fit and boost his bank account.

"It became obvious to me that  there was a great opportunity to make a living here and I could establish a business," he says.

So, at age 19, he borrowed $3500 from his brother and bought a truck and started his company, Your Local Movers.

Eight years later, his company turns over in excess of $1 million a year and employs up to 60 staff.

So, what has been the secret to his success?

"I quickly realised that there wasn't a great deal of customer service in the moving business and that a lot of people were getting ripped off," he says.

"In fact, it happened to my aunty where some removalists came in and took everything and she never saw her goods again."

Rook quickly established the "grandmother test" when it came to hiring employees.

"It is very simple: when someone comes in for an interview, we ask ourselves 'would your grandmother feel comfortable with this person in the house?' If the answer is 'no', then they don't get employed."

That is just one of the points of difference for Your Local Movers when it comes to employing staff.

"We don't employ anyone with a criminal record," Rook says. "We thoroughly check all applicants. We also don't outsource any jobs. We also provide very comprehensive training and we rate every job both internally and externally. We always seek client feedback.

"Our average employee lasts eight months, whereas the industry standard, I believe, is two to six weeks. We have a lot of ex-army people and athletes joining our company, which is great because they have discipline and they are fit."

Based in Queensland, Rook twice enrolled at university but withdrew from an international relations degree and then a marketing degree because of lack of interest.

"With the first course, I couldn't get into it and by the time I started on the marketing qualification, I had already started my own business and I didn't find the theory that useful, as I was involved in the practical aspect of marketing everyday," he says.

Rook decided that focusing on the commercial market was a better way to differentiate his business and bring in broader-based revenue.

He has established regular A-list clients such as Optus, Westfield, Commonwealth Bank and FKP, and believes that moving office is as stressful as any personal situation such as getting a divorce or losing a job.

"When it comes to moving, most companies aren't prepared for the disruption it will cause on their day-to-day operations," Rook says. "What we do is minimise the stress by employing people to go in beforehand to help pack and prepare, and we also have IT staff on board who have people up and running the first day they move into their new premises.

"We believe in preparation and planning for any office move because often the person assigned to the task hasn't done it before and often don't have the time to allocate it whilst undertaking their normal employment activities."

Rock believes that his focus on customer service comes from his father, who worked as a frontman for a restaurant and focused on his customers' needs.

"He taught me a lot and, naturally, I focus on ensuring that the customer is always given priority."

An IBISWorld industry report, Removalists in Australia, released June 2014, reveals that increasing fuel costs are affecting industry profitability and prompting business exits.

Revenue for 2013-14 was $2.1 billion, with industry revenue forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 1.7 per cent to $2.2 billion by 2018-19.

The report reveals that 8351 businesses are operating in the highly fragmented industry. Low barriers to entry have allowed many small businesses to enter the industry with one truck and small-scale operations with increasing fuel costs reducing profit margins. This has led to a fall in the number of enterprises, with this trend expected to continue. Some of the bigger operators include Kent Removals and National Removals, as well as Two Men and a Truck.

Over the next five years, the demand for industry services is expected to increase as the property market recovers and businesses start to expand their operations.

Rook's success has led to him joining Entrepreneurs' Organisation, a group for business owners turning over a minimum of $1 million per annum.

"As an entrepreneur, you realise one of the most important things is being surrounded by positive, like-minded people that understand you and your problems," he says.

"I found joining this Entrepreneurs' Organisation, or the 'Justice League of Entrepreneurs' as I like to call it, really kicked my personal and professional development into high gear.

"As one of the youngest members in a group of more than 100 of Brisbane's top entrepreneurs, it has been really great for me, especially during tough times, to learn from people that come from all different business experiences."

As for the long-term future, Rook plans to expand his business Australia-wide.

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