ACT News

Barton Highway roundabout: Canberra's worst intersection partially closed for upgrade works

The signalisation of Canberra's most dangerous intersection is underway, but be warned, it's likely to get worse before it gets better.

The Barton Highway – William Slim Drive – Gundaroo Drive roundabout will be partly closed to traffic on Sunday night from 9pm to 6am, weather permitting. The work was due to take place last week, but was postponed due to wet weather.

The Gundaroo Drive westbound approach to the roundabout will be fully closed, with traffic diverted to Gungahlin Drive. Right turns only will be permitted from Abena Avenue, Nudurr Drive and Burrowa Street onto Gundaroo Drive.

A spokesman for the ACT government said barriers, warning and diversion signs will be erected to alert motorists including heavy vehicle traffic to the changed arrangements. A reduced speed limit of 40 km/h is in place.

The work is part of the promised upgrade of the dangerous intersection, which sees about 60 accidents every year.


The installation of traffic lights and the addition of an extra lane on each approach was an election commitment from the Labor government. The Liberals had promised a $35 million flyover, a move backed by the NRMA's director.

The installation of nine sets of lights on the busy intersection was due to start last June, but that was delayed until November.

The closure will allow for pavement work to be completed in preparation for the installation of the traffic lights. Signalisation is planned to be complete by next month, with remaining construction works expected to be complete by February.
