Inside Silicon Valley's most grueling ritual: raising cash

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Inside Silicon Valley's most grueling ritual: raising cash

How does anyone get funded in the global heartland of tech?

By Elizabeth Dwoskin

The second floor of the Computer History Museum here was a sea of young entrepreneurs and top Silicon Valley investors going on speed-dates, and Qasar Younis was the matchmaker.

He surveyed the scene. Hundreds of entrepreneurs, each with their own table, spread out across two giant rooms last week. Investors, swarming around and plunking down for rapid-fire meetings that had been scheduled by algorithm the night before.

Qasar Younis is a matchmaker between founders and investors.

Qasar Younis is a matchmaker between founders and investors.Credit: Ken Yeung

The low-key Younis is the the chief operating officer of the startup incubator Y-Combinator, and he was presiding over that most vaunted of Silicon Valley rituals: the Y-Combinator Demo Day.

Over the last 11 years, the incubator, which takes a seven percent stake in the companies it invests in, has become one of the most important institutions in the region -- hatching startups like Dropbox, Reddit, Stripe, and Airbnb with $120,000 in seed funding and matching them to investors. The three-month bootcamp is also seen as bellwether for the Valley's evolution - on diversity, on startup trends, and lately, for how the tech industry views itself in relationship to the wider world.

Airbnb was one of the companies funded through Y Combinator.

Airbnb was one of the companies funded through Y Combinator.Credit: Getty Images

This year's batch included the usual disparate gaggle of companies: Multiply Labs, a company 3-D printing dietary supplements, and Burrow, a startup specialising in mail-order sofas for young professional millennials that move around a lot and are sick of buying Ikea. There were a slew of drone startups - specialising in delivery, security, and surveying crops. A startup trying to create credit scores for immigrants. Perhaps the most buzzy was Flex, a tampon alternative women can wear during sex.

Demo Day is actually a three-day event. During the first two days, roughly 100 fledgling startups stand on a stage and present 2-minute pitches to a conference room of 500 investors, a model that has now been copied all over the world - and helped inspire TV shows like Silicon Valley.

Like many things at Y-Combinator, the third day is an experiment. Younis dubbed it Investor Day, which he described as "a more elegant and transparent" alternative to "the happenstance and informality" of typical fundraising. That traditional courtship process usually begins rights after demo day, when startups begin canvassing venture capitalists' offices across the region in a frenzied hunt for cash. Y-Combinator engineers had created special software that uses mathematical models to match investors with companies they may want to meet.

So here was Mamoon Hamid, a general partner at the venture firm Social Capital, fresh off a meeting with Validere, a startup that was building a pocket-size sensor to test the quality of oil and gas. "The sales are amazing, the managers are amazing - that's just a cash producing business!" he gushed to Younis.


But, no, he wasn't opening his wallet. His fund focuses on bigger companies, he explained. Still, Investor Day was a great place to get ideas, find inspiration and plus, he had other leads the event's software had chosen for him.

At the table for Flex, the menstruation startup, chief executive Lauren Schulte looked pleased. "We're not taking in any new money," she said, as she stuffed her device, which looks like a large female condom, into a plastic-model of a woman's genitalia she bought online. Flex was in an enviable position: it was only demo day and they were already oversubscribed. The company would begin taking its first online orders that day.

Younis, wearing a grey hoodie and a t-shirt printed with the Y-Combinator motto, "Make Something People Want," milled about one day last week, introducing his favorite companies. He was as enthusiastic about a building sensor that can identify burglaries as he was about a wristband that detects calories consumed by tracking blood flow. The 34-year-old, who grew up in rural Pakistan and sold his Y-Combinator backed messaging startup to Google in 2011, loves to talk shop with entrepreneurs - spending hours comparing strategies for taking a product to market, the merits of going public, and ways to handle investors.

On this day, his iPhone was pinging every 5 seconds, with founders asking for gut checks and last-minute advice on everything from how much to value their companies and how to read signals of interests from investors. "Game-time decision making," Younis explained. "For most founders this is the first time they're raising money - a lot of the process is a mystery."

The room was full of notable venture capitalists backed by hundreds of millions of dollars, each hoping to find the next Airbnb. Many approached Younis to exchange pleasantries or share his thoughts about a company. But underneath the friendly vibe was the status-consciousness that has led some to criticize the organization as elitist. Everyone watched which startups get the most meetings and money. Demo Days are invite-only; investors who are too aggressive with startups don't get asked back.

"You've got all these investors here - it's like, you're looking around, who is everyone talking to?," said Niko Bonatsos, managing director of the venture firm General Catalyst and a large investor in Snapchat.

"That's good for the founders," Younis shot back, grinning. The pressure he said, would stop investors from dilly dallying, helping to create a "true marketplace."

"Everyone is looking for something above the hype," said Alex Gurevich, of Javelin Venture Partners. "In truth, it's impossible to tell. It's hard to get real-world intelligence from two minutes of pitching."

In Silicon Valley, Y-Combinator is often seen as bellwether. By its metrics, America's innovation hub is getting somewhat more diverse. Twenty six percent of the companies in this season's class, called a batch, had a female founder, compared to roughly five percent in 2008. Black and Latino founders were roughly 7 percent of the current class, as measured by the number of companies with a founder who is a member of one of those groups - but the group only began tracking underrepresented minorities last year.

There were also other shifts. Roughly a third of the companies were international - more than ever before. The list included OMG Media, a media company from Ghana that aims to be the "Conde Nast of Africa," and Innov8, a company building co-working spaces in India. Roughly 5 percent of companies were focused on biotechnology and hard sciences - bucking the trend of copycat social networking and on-demand delivery apps that have flooded Silicon Valley in recent years.

Y-Combinator itself is growing up. The fund was founded 11 years ago by the celebrated entrepreneur Paul Graham, who held the first demo day in a rented house in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The handful of investors who attended were mostly Graham's friends. Y-Combinator's current president, Sam Altman, has extended the organizations' footprint far beyond technology.

He's launched a non-profit arm, called YC Research, which is funding an organization dedicated to promoting artificial intelligence for the good of humanity, a Utopian project to study and perhaps build a future city, and a vast experiment in social welfare that involves giving monthly cash payments to poor people in Oakland. He's planning to foray into online education, according to people familiar with the matter.

Younis, whose close friend and fellow Y-Combinator partner Justin Kan, refers to as the "secret weapon," has focused more on the organisation itself. He has spent the last several years helping the incubator raise a $700 million "Continuity Fund," which provides funding to later-stage companies. He has rebuilt and streamlined Y-Combinator's suite of software tools, which are all built in-house and used for things like marketing, reviews, and communication between entrepreneurs.

Younis's biggest concern is that the organisation gets spread too thin. "Like all startups, we risk losing focus on core goals: servicing our founders and picking great companies," he says. "It's really about giving good advice - that's the hardest thing to define but it may be the most important thing. It's easy to get distracted."

In the days following the event, Younis was on the phone non-stop counselling entrepreneurs. Afterward he would use the organisation's software to collect data on whether companies raised money on Investor Day. Already, a handful of companies had raised funds. Others reported positive conversations.

But for now, it was too early to sort winners from losers, or to tell whether the next great Silicon Valley startup had just been born. Younis cautioned the eager entrepreneurs not to get overexcited because the process doesn't happen overnight.

"I tell them," he said, "unless you're exchanging signature blocks and wiring money, it's not a sign of anything."

Washington Post

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