My new fashion and beauty routine as a mum

 Photo: Getty Images

We all know that becoming a mum changes your life significantly. For so many of us, sleep-ins become a thing of the past, partying consists of dancing to Frozen for what seems like the 10 millionth time, and a late night is categorised as 'wild' if you see the clock strike 10pm.

But staring in the mirror the other day, I realised it's not just the major things in life that have altered. It's also the way I dress, the way I look, and the beauty regimes I'm convinced I left in the maternity ward. Little things like these …

Designer handbags

Back in the day, I used to rotate at least one or two designer handbags. They took pride of place on my arm or atop a table in a bar, and clearly reflected my exquisite taste and style.

And then I became a mum.

Said handbags were swiftly piled on the floor of my wardrobe; in their place swung a nappy bag. A big, cumbersome, unattractive bag that could carry every necessary piece of baby paraphernalia, including the baby sink.

Once the toddler years hit, the nappy bag took a back seat, but I didn't dust off that designer handbag just yet. Because next came the backpack stage. A time when I unconsciously left the house adorned with George Pig, Spiderman, or a piece of Lego on my back.

At the age of four, my son now happily carries his own bag around, so my nice handbags are back in action on my arm, at last.   

However, they don't look half as nice or get treated as well. In fact, they usually end up flung on the floor at the park or beach, are faded and tired, and serve as a mode of transport for stickiness, snotty tissues and unidentified half-eaten snacks.


Back in the day, I used to love going shopping for hours on end. I would peruse shop after shop and think nothing of buying myself an expensive outfit that I would wear only once.

And then I became a mum.  

My threadbare clothes are now falling off my back and I wrestle to tuck in my tummy to do up most of my top buttons. Yet the thought of heading to the shops almost brings me out in a rash

The expensive outfits can no longer be justified. The thought of putting together anything more exotic than a t-shirt and shorts sees me running back to the car, and the times when I do end up in the shops, I ALWAYS end up buying something for my son. 


Back in the day, donning a pair of killer heels and strutting my stuff was a daily thing. An outfit wasn't complete without them, and I lived by the motto 'no pain, no gain'.

And then I became a mum.

The closest I get to heels these days is the air bubble in my runners. My shoe collection now consists of flats, flats and more flats, and it's all about comfort above style.  

On the odd occasion when I have dusted off a pair, I have hobbled along like Bambi on wine, and inevitably removed them after half an hour.  

Beauty regimes

Back in the day, a trip to the hairdressers, beauty salon or nail shop was par for the course. Any excuse to get groomed and beautiful was embraced, and even the smallest fuzz of hair was enough to see me reaching for the wax

And then I became a mum.

Between untangling my leg hair to put on my pants, grooming my unruly eyebrows and covering up my roots with a baseball cap, I am lucky most days to have a shower, let alone a pamper.

My make up bag is no longer filled with products of an expensive nature, but, instead, half-empty crusty substances. My straightener has gone into early retirement – as has my hairbrush – and my best friends are now my dry shampoo and my oversized sunnies.

But would I change it at all? Well, okay, maybe just a little.

But overall I'm happy being 'Mum', and given the choice of looking glamourous or spending time with my son, I know which option wins every time.