Baby Care



The pain of teething

If the tooth fairy takes teeth away, it must be something like a goblin who brings them in the first place.

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Help! My baby will only sleep in my arms

It's stressful to be the one who is holding your baby most of the day, but it's even more stressful to wonder, 'am I doing something wrong? Or am I creating bad habits?'

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The majority of babies born in NSW in 2015 were in Sydney's west and south-west.

Why our family converted to cloth nappies

Having two babies means twice the love and giggles - yes we're having finally giggles in our house - they're the best! But it also means twice the poos and wees.

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Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauties

Enjoy these beautiful images from new coffee-table photography book, Sleeping Beauties: Newborns in Dreamland, out now by Sellers Publishing.

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  • This article contains a photo gallery