The simple thing about nappies we've all been getting wrong

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Parenting can be hard. Babies don't come with instruction manuals and most of us find ourselves learning on the job through trail and error.

But while we are busy juggling the big stuff, it is easy to overlook some of the details.

A British mum recently admitted that she thought the plus sign on nappies indicated a bigger size – so size 6+ would therefore be bigger than size 6. But it turns out that the plus sign actually indicates that the nappy is more absorbent and has nothing to do with size.

Nicci Pearce, who is a mother of two, took to Facebook to express her surprise.

"Who knew this? I always thought that the plus ones went higher up on the back," she wrote.

Pearce told the Manchester Evening News that she had always assumed the plus sign indicated a bigger. "Ava is toilet training now, but all the time she's been in nappies I've always gone up 3, then 3+, then 4, then 4+ then 5 and so on," she said.

A thread on popular parenting site Mumsnet revealed that hundreds of other parents had also been getting it wrong.

"I didn't know that either! Neither of mine are in nappies any more, so feel extra stupid that I've been through the nappy stage twice and never realized," said one forum member.

Likewise, another user said, "I have two children and didn't know that. How strange."

Others noted that some of the packets featuring the plus sign say they are suitable for a larger weight range than those in the same bracket without the plus sign (for example, the weight range for a size 5 is smaller than the range on a 5+). But all the packets with a plus sign did mention extra absorbency.

In a response to a customer query on the subject, a Pampers spokesperson offered the following advice:

"I know leaks can be a nightmare, but usually by either changing to a different style, or to a nappy which offers a little added absorbency this can be prevented.

"We have learnt over the years that all little ones [LOs], just like us adults, have their own unique shapes, so you may find one style of nappy to be better suited to your LO compared to another.

"LOs can also outgrow the absorbency before the size, so we do offer '+' sizes too, which will offer a little added absorbency."