
Matthew Guy opposition’s vote against solar power a vote against the community

The Matthew Guy opposition has voted against Andrews government legislation to secure a fair price for solar power in Victoria.

Friends of the Earth, the group that lead the community campaign for a Victorian Renewable Energy Target, has slammed the opposition’s decision for being “out of touch” with the community.

“Matthew Guy’s decision to vote against a fair price for solar is out of step with the community’s vision for a renewable energy powered future,” said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.

“It’s a slap in the face for Victoria’s solar homes and all those who want to be a part of the renewable energy revolution.”


According to data from the Clean Energy Regulator there are now 297,434 households that have installed solar in Victoria. Nearly 4,000 homes in Matthew Guy’s electorate of Bulleen have installed solar power (almost 10% of dwellings).

Friends of the Earth say the Victorian Renewable Energy Target emerges as a litmus test for the opposition on renewable energy. A vote on the legislation is expected early in 2017.

“Matthew Guy has disappointed the community by voting against solar power,” said Leigh Ewbank. “The opposition can prove their renewable energy credentials by supporting Victoria’s Renewable Energy Target.”

“If the Matthew Guy opposition supports renewable energy, jobs, and investment in Victoria, it will back the VRET.”

Like the permanent ban on unconventional gasfields, the Andrews government’s Victorian Renewable Energy Targets of 25 percent by 2020 and 40 percent by 2025, announced in June, has strong community support.

The program will:

  • Double Victoria’s wind power generation capacity by 2020.
  • Triple Victoria’s installed renewable energy generation capacity—making the state a national leader.
  • Attract an estimated $2.5 billion worth of investment to Victoria.
  • Create an estimated 10,000 jobs between the commencement of the program and 2025.
  • Produce the equivalent of 1.3 Hazelwoods worth of energy by 2025, thanks to 5,400 megawatts of new renewable energy capacity.
  • Reduce the electricity sector greenhouse gases by 12 percent by 2034.

“All available polling shows strong community support for renewable energy. Creating jobs, cutting pollution and acting on climate change is something all parties can support,” said Leigh Ewbank.

“The community would welcome opposition leader Matthew Guy’s support for Victorian Renewable Energy Targets and the transition to clean energy.”


  • Email opposition leader Matthew Guy to encourage him to back the VRET. The transition to renewables ought to be a above party politics.
  • Make a donation to Yes 2 Renewables so we can act as a VRET watchdog. We’re proud of our campaign on the VRET. With your support we’ll secure it.


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