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The long road to VRET: FoE’s campaign for a Vic Renewable Energy Target

After a community campaign that lasted two-and-a-half years, the Andrews government has committed to Victorian Renewable Energy Targets of 25 percent by 2020 and 40 percent by 2025. In the year 2050, I’ll be 65 years old. Amazingly the wind … Continue reading The long road to VRET: FoE’s campaign for a Vic Renewable Energy Target

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - SEPTEMBER 16:  Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announces his ministery at Parliament House on September 16, 2013 in Canberra, Australia. Tony Abbot will be sworn in this week as the 28th Prime Minister of Australia.  (Photo by Stefan Postles/Getty Images)

Anti-jobs Abbott digs in against renewables, despite public backlash

As the federal parliament enters the final sitting week for 2016, former PM Tony Abbott has used an interview with Sky News to attack renewable energy in what could be seen as an affront to Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership position. In … Continue reading Anti-jobs Abbott digs in against renewables, despite public backlash


Matthew Guy opposition’s vote against solar power a vote against the community

The Matthew Guy opposition has voted against Andrews government legislation to secure a fair price for solar power in Victoria. Friends of the Earth, the group that lead the community campaign for a Victorian Renewable Energy Target, has slammed the … Continue reading Matthew Guy opposition’s vote against solar power a vote against the community


Solar thermal in Port Augusta Key Part of Securing SA’s Clean Energy Mix

Community-led campaign Repower Port Augusta has called on the South Australian and Federal governments to back plans to build solar thermal in Port Augusta following a new ACIL Allen report into energy security options for South Australia. The report, funded by … Continue reading Solar thermal in Port Augusta Key Part of Securing SA’s Clean Energy Mix


Time for politicians to correct the record on renewables as meteorologists confirm storm caused blackout 

A newly released Bureau of Meteorology investigation has found seven tornadoes ripped through South Australia and damaged transmission lines on the day of a statewide blackout in September. “The loss of supply corresponded with a widespread outbreak of supercell thunderstorms … Continue reading Time for politicians to correct the record on renewables as meteorologists confirm storm caused blackout 


New analysis: Solar with storage cheaper than the grid (implications for SA)

New analysis by leading energy consultant Bruce Mountain (CME) finds the combination of solar and battery storage can deliver cheaper power than the electricity grid. “A typical household in the suburbs of Adelaide can now meet its electrical needs with solar and … Continue reading New analysis: Solar with storage cheaper than the grid (implications for SA)


Bright future for Community Wind Farms as Vic Govt launches discussion paper

In our last community energy blog we asked “Can Victoria become the community powered state?” With the Victorian Parliament’s Community Energy Inquiry underway, we’re now taking a look at the other ways the Victorian government is engaging with community energy. … Continue reading Bright future for Community Wind Farms as Vic Govt launches discussion paper


More wind workers in Portland shows local manufacturers ready for #VRET

In a sign of how the upcoming Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) can benefit the state’s manufacturing industry through greater local content, Australia’s top wind manufacturer yesterday announced it will put on  50 new workers at the Keppel Prince wind tower … Continue reading More wind workers in Portland shows local manufacturers ready for #VRET


Moorabool Environment Group supports new wind farms, clean energy

Moorabool shire, located between Ballarat and Melton, can look forward to more clean energy as new wind farms step closer to construction, Moorabool Environment Group president Ben Courtice explains. Wind farm developer WestWind Energy are seeking to update a 2009 … Continue reading Moorabool Environment Group supports new wind farms, clean energy


Victoria: Community powered state?

“The best kind of energy is renewable and the best kind of renewable energy is community owned” Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth “The secret is the ingenuity of communities coming up with their own solutions” Kate Auty, Strathbogie Voices … Continue reading Victoria: Community powered state?


Cleantech Manufacturing Jobs get boost in Geelong as Ford doors close

With Ford factory doors closing in Victoria last Friday, cleantech jobs in Geelong got a boost today with the Andrews government backing electric vehicle manufacturing alongside its ambitious Victorian Renewable Energy Target. Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announced $500,000 in funding for SEA Automotive … Continue reading Cleantech Manufacturing Jobs get boost in Geelong as Ford doors close