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Latest edition

Trump victory threatens abortion rights

Donald Trump is sticking to his views on abortion, an issue that deeply divides the US. Many in Russia are pleased with Trump's election. Public opinion is behind the incoming commander-in-chief. And: business is booming in Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp.

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Local time

Broadcast times

  • 26.11.2016 | 14:15 on DW‎
  • 27.11.2016 | 17:15 on DW‎

Next edition

The Week in Reports

Reports on current world affairs. The people behind the news, the feelings along with the facts. The week’s key stories – that’s what World Stories is all about.

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Broadcast times

  • 03.12.2016 | 14:15 on DW‎
  • 04.12.2016 | 17:15 on DW‎