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Treasures of the World

Heritage of Mankind


Latest edition

The Crag-perched Monasteries of the Meteora

Bizarre rock formations made of sandstone and conglomerate rise up almost vertically over the Peneus valley in Thessaly: they’re known as the Meteora. Derived from the ancient Greek word "metéoros" ("floating in the air"), the name refers to the original 24 monasteries that were built on and into the rock.

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Local time

Broadcast times

  • 23.11.2016 | 21:15 on DW‎
  • 25.11.2016 | 23:15 on DW‎

Next edition

Fez - Labyrinth and Paradise, Morocco

Visiting the oldest quarter of Fez, you feel like you’re transported back into the stories of One Thousand and One Nights. Behind the Blue Gate lies a whole different world, with its own colors and scents. In the narrow labyrinthine alleyways, strangers are always in danger of losing their way.

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Broadcast times

  • 29.11.2016 | 21:15 on DW‎
  • 01.12.2016 | 23:15 on DW‎
  • 04.12.2016 | 02:15 on DW‎