Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet: Little Manitou

Next artist from Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet to answer some questions is Little Manitou.

1. You’re a diverse bunch, please introduce yourselves? 

So, Little Manitou is one of several music ‘projects’ undertaken by the Bermudes family and friends over the years.  As a family we are Portuguese in origin but grew up in Africa, moving quite a lot, with Surya having been born in Mozambique and Neile a few years later in the mountain Kingdom of Lesotho (if you’ve heard of it).  Raised with music and idealism in spades, all four siblings have been writing and playing music since their early teens.  On this occasion Neile (Vocals, song writing, guitars and production) and brother Jano aka Surya (guitars, singing, writing and production), join forces with  Dorna Khorramzadeh (Vocals, Keys, song writing, production), Iranian, born but migrated to America; and Wesley J Hunter (DJ’ing and production), natively from South Africa.  All four of us live and work in London.

 2. How did you get together? 

Music has been a part of all of our lives so when Wesley and Neile were married (one year exactly to the day) and Dorna and Surya became engaged around the same time, music was just a byproduct of our life together. Little Manitou was the result.

Happiness is Here


3. Why did you choose Little Manitou as a name? 

Manitou is a native american word that refers to the spirit that exists and connects everything in life.  We liked it because it doesn’t limit who we are or what we do as a group…its all an expression of one-ness :)
4. I used to live in South London (Honor Oak Park). From what part of South London do you currently hail? My mother says its colder south of the river and used to wear an extra cardie to visit. Do you agree? 

We are currently living in the Carshalton Beeches area.  On going South, I always thought it was the opposite – birds fly south in Winter dont they??



5. Why did you agree to be part of Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet?

We came across your blog and were inspired by the way that you responded creatively to your loss, and wanted to be a part of the creativity.  We feel lucky to have been selected.

6. What do you want to achieve with your music?

To connect positively with as many people in this world as possible. To have fun. To express ourselves fully and completely.

Little Manitou’s track on the Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet album is the basstastic (in the Peter Hook sense) Rhythm. 


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~ by acidted on June 11, 2012.

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