
Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins is economics editor of the SMH and an economic columnist for The Age. His books include Gittins' Guide to Economics, Gittinomics and The Happy Economist.

Nearly half of Australians say they're avoiding sugar from beverages such as soft drinks, fruit juices and flavoured ...

We have nothing to fear from the 'nanny state'

Oh no, the nanny state brigade is at it again. In their certainty they know what's best for us, they're back with their social engineering, wanting to punish us for being fat and use a tax on sugary drinks to push us towards "healthier choices".

Most economists never doubt that a growing economy is what keeps us happy.

An economy without growth is far from our biggest worry

If you think the possible ascension of Donald Trump is our one big worry you haven't been paying attention. Some climate scientists are worried sick over the possibility that climate change may be passing the point of no return while we procrastinate over trying to control it.

These penny-pinching cost cuts are far from sufficient to make much impact on the budget deficit.

Turnbull government is close to being morally bankrupt

Did you know our social security system is so open to rorting that it's possible for some people to get more from benefits than they'd earn if they took a job? And we wonder why we have problem with debt and deficit.


We shouldn't turn our backs on the world economy

Remember globalisation? It was big news some years back. Now, however, the leaders of the global economy worry that public opinion is turning against it, pressuring governments to reverse it.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull delivers a ministerial statement on economic security and stabilty.

Super tax reforms offer triumph for Turnbull

Everyone wants to know what achievements Malcolm Turnbull can point to after his first year as Prime Minister. Well, I can think of something: his reform of the tax breaks on superannuation – provided he gets it through without major watering down.

When politicians tell us the government owes many billions of dollars, many of us assume there's nothing to show for it.

Politicians sidestep the benefits of public debt

What kind of Australia do we want our children and grandchildren to inherit? One with rundown and inadequate public facilities? If we continue letting our politicians demonise public debt, that's the world we'll be leaving for our descendants.