Simply Possible
When everything is connected, anything is possible.
LogMeIn was founded on a Simple Yet powerful belief — possibilities increase with connectivity.
8 offices and hundreds of employees later, we've connected over 300,000,000 PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.
Now we are transforming businesses by simplifying how people connect in the Internet of Things.

Our Solutions Create Possibilities

Connected Products & Customers
Connected Products & Customers

As consumers become universally connected and the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality, companies must change the way they develop products and interact with their customers. At LogMeIn, we believe in making this next generation of customer and product engagement simply possible. Our suite of solutions helps companies create wildly successful connected products, manage valuable data and engage more closely to resolve customer care issues.

Online Meetings & Collaboration

Built for today’s fast-paced, highly mobile, highly dispersed workplace – where time is short and meetings frequent – join.me is an instant online meeting app that’s perfect for ad-hoc collaboration, formal presentations, trainings and product demos. The fastest growing collaboration solution in the world every month millions of new users from universities, start-ups and 90% of the Fortune 500 use join.me to simply and effectively share their ideas and work.

Access & It Management
Access & IT Management

Today’s mobile workplace requires that employees can work freely from anywhere with always on, secure access to their devices, applications, and data. While IT pros can monitor and manage users and devices from any location with scalable, secure and reliable solutions. With LogMeIn Access & IT Management products, businesses can embrace the mobile world, drive employee productivity and increase operational efficiency.

Making Simple IoT Connected
Home Experiences Real

With Xively, Lutron launched to the Internet of Things in just 4 months.

Xively gave Lutron the power to give its customers a connected home--they can control endless household smart objects remotely, on any device. LogMeIn's Internet of Things developer platform, expertise, and ability to deliver quickly took the Lutron Smart Bridge from concept to field-ready product in one season.


Serving Customers and Enhancing
the Website Experience

North Face uses BoldChat to increase chat volume by 23%

The customer is at the heart of everything The North Face does, so the company established online chat to enhance the website experience. BoldChat is powerful and easy to use, and also gives North Face licensing flexibility to address the needs of its customer service team and a solution that is easy for IT to manage across departments and systems.


Engagement Driving
Customer Satisfaction

Slingbox® support gets customer downloading faster because of Rescue

LogMeIn Rescue solved remote customer support challenges to get Sling Media’s customers right back to doing what they love--happily streaming TV over the Internet. Lengthy support calls for the Slingbox® were replaced with web chat and remote configuration of customer devices, which improved support response, cut session times, and increased customer satisfaction.


Simple, Fast and
Easy Collaboration

In an instant, The Weather Company connects large groups with join.me

Enterprise screen sharing is vital to meeting numerous business requirements for the Weather Company, which includes the Weather Channel, Weather Underground, and WSI. As predicted, join.me’s get-up-and-go platform gets sales and project teams of up to 250 people collaborating fast. When changing forecasts require immediate attention, join.me’s quick-start audio and video tools are radar-reliable.


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