The ultimate high-tech gift guide for Christmas

'Tis the season to procrastinate over holiday gift giving.

Whether shopping for a work Kris Kringle gift, or something more meaningful for a family member, significant other, what have you, it's not long before decision fatigue kicks in and you're paralysed for choice.

Treat yourself

Inevitably, you rise up your arms in frustration, run to the nearest window, which you throw open, and yell, "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Then you go and buy yourself a present, because, gosh darn, you deserve it for braving the holiday season shopping crowds.

So, how about an autonomous aerial vehicle designed to ferry one person through the air in style and comfort? Or, perhaps you've been hankering for an Apple Watch 2 made of meteorite? If you want something a little more humble, nothing beats a 3D-printed supercar. When it comes to the ultimate high-tech gift, nothing is too good for you, right?

So, once you've reached your shopping limit, check out the gallery above for the latest and most sophisticated tech to keep you sane this holiday season.