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Who we are

Data Privacy Policy

Deutsche Welle takes the privacy of your personal data very seriously. We want you to feel safe when visiting our website. We explain here what data we collect and how we use it.

Data Collection and Logging

Details of each visit to the Internet pages of DW.COM and each download are stored in a log file with the following data:

  • Name of the file downloaded
  • Date and time of the download
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Notification of whether the download was successful
  • IP address (identifier for Internet-enabled devices)
  • Referrer (website visited immediately beforehand)
  • Browser ID (browser name including the version)
  • Operating system used

In the interests of data security, we register the access to our sites to ensure the stability and operational reliability of our system and protect DW.COM from potential attacks from outside. We also analyze the data statistically. The data in the log file contains no direct references to individuals; it is only used for internal purposes. It is not shared with third parties. The data is not used to personally identify visitors to our websites. It is not merged with other data either. The technical administration of the webpages and the anonymous statistical surveys allow us to analyze access to the DW.COM pages and this is used to optimize the website (see below).

Usage Data for Statistical Purposes

We also use AT Internet’s Analyzer NX system to help us consistently improve and enhance our online services. AT Internet collects anonymous statistical data. This is traffic data without any reference to individuals: all that is logged is the browser used, the number of page views and visits, the navigation behavior and the time an Internet user spends on a site.

We do not merge the data collected with any other data sources. It is only used for internal purposes and is not disclosed to third parties.

Personal Data

Of course, you can always use the services of DW.COM without disclosing your personal data. Personal data is data that could be used to establish your identity – for example, your name, email address or country.

However, we do require personal information in individual cases (for example, competitions, when sending newsletters or on blogs or communities). In these cases, we explicitly communicate this to you and ask for your basic consent to collect and process your personal data. For more on this, please see our terms of use. Any collection, processing and use of personal data only takes place for the purpose specified in each case. We treat this data confidentially, store it on secure servers and do not disclose it to third parties or use it for any other purposes.

You have the right to withdraw your consent for the future at any time. If you have any questions about this, please contact Deutsche Welle’s Data Protection Officer.

Your Rights (Withdrawal of Consent, Information, Amendment and Deletion)

Your data is only used for the purpose intended and will not be sold to any third party. You have the right to revoke your consent at any time. You may send this request through the contact details on this website. However, if you withdraw your consent, you may not be able to make personalized use of the content.

You have the right to request information about the data stored by DW.COM (e.g. your name, address etc.). Please submit your request to the Data Protection Officer at Deutsche Welle in writing and quote the particular topic, for which you submitted your data.

In accordance with the statutory provisions, you also have the right to amend and delete your personal data. You may send this request through the contact details on this website.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive temporarily. We sometimes use cookies at DW.COM for technical reasons, but we cannot point this out in each case. If so, your IP address is saved.

Cookies do not store any personal information. They are used to collect anonymous aggregate statistics on the use of the website by visitors. Cookies help us to gauge how well our websites are working. This data allows us to tailor our content better so that you can gain more from your visit.

If you do not want us to recognize your computer again, you can set your browser to deactivate the storage of cookies or notify you as soon as a cookie is sent.

DW.COM can also be used without cookies.

The lifespan of a cookie is 365 days. The default lifespan of a post-click cookie (which is needed to track data after the first click) is 20 days.

Internet Services & Social Networks

Deutsche Welle is constantly testing new services to support the circulation of content in a manner that is both suitable for the Internet and consistent with the latest standards. These include curation services like ScribbleLive and Storify. We also link our content to social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, Soundcloud, Twitter and YouTube.

For example, our web pages also integrate content that providers such as YouTube have on their own servers (a feature also known as “embedding"). If you call up a website with content from another provider on one of our webpages, that provider will obtain the IP address of the device that you are using to go online. However, it is not able to draw any personal conclusions about you from your IP address, but it knows, for example, where you are located geographically. Moreover, these providers can also place cookies on your device and use them to log your surfing habits.

Another example: we integrate referral buttons (also called “social plugins”) from social networks in our content.


Deutsche Welle uses the Disqus comment system. This is provided by DISQUS, Inc., 301 Howard St., Floor 3 San Francisco, California-94105, USA. You can find Disqus’ privacy policy here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466259-privacy-policy. Disqus offers various ways of registering: either through your own Disqus account or through existing social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. If you log in to Disqus through a social media account, the service providers also collect and process information about your use of Disqus functions. For more information, please refer to the data protection policies of the providers in question.

DW.COM allows you to make comments as a guest. However, this may mean that some functions are not available.

By registering with Disqus, you can make comments on any website that also offers the Disqus comment function.

Deutsche Welle receives the following user information for every comment made through Disqus: the email address you specify and the IP address assigned to you by your provider at the time you made your comment. Deutsche Welle uses your e-mail address solely to contact you with any questions regarding your comment, if necessary. We will naturally not use your email address in any other way, publish it or pass it on to third parties. IP addresses are forwarded to prevent any abuse of the comment feature. The IP address can also be used to block users.


We use the “ScribbleLive” service from Scribble, Inc. (Canada), 200 - 488 Wellington St., West Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 1E3, for content involving live blogs or news tickers (e.g. Life Links, soccer ticker etc.); this means that we integrate the ScribbleLive application located on Scribble Inc.’s servers into our own websites and blogs (also known as “embedding").

When you visit a page with a live blog or live ticker, your browser establishes a direct link to the service provider’s server. Your IP address and other device-related information are communicated. The service provider and any of its subcontractors have pledged to abide by European data protection laws.

The liveblog or live ticker page also places temporary cookies on your hard drive. This allows you to take advantage of the live blog/live ticker’s interactive features. Tracking cookies, which allow the formation of user profiles, are not employed on DW.COM webpages where ScribbleLive is embedded.


Deutsche Welle sometimes makes use of the Storify tool to quickly summarize articles, tweets, videos and other content from the Internet. You can find Storify’s privacy policy here: https://storify.com/privacy. We integrate these web reports into our webpages using a plugin (in fact, part of a website) directly from Storify. The plugin creates links to other websites - Facebook, Twitter and Google etc. These services normally only receive your IP address and some technical details. If you have personally registered with these services, your visits to Storify may be assigned to your profile too.


The apps currently distributed by Deutsche Welle focus on data minimization. To allow the statistical analysis of any app usage, information is collected on when and how often apps are launched, used to obtain content, closed and updated. This information is collected only as a standalone – a non-linked occurrence – and all the data analysis takes place without any reference to individuals. The IP addresses of devices that use DW apps are only entered into the analysis anonymously. This anonymization process is outsourced to a specialist service provider and is secured by a contract. DW never collects information regarding the location or appliance ID (UDID). If personal information is ever collected and used as part of a Deutsche Welle app, this app includes a separate statement and a reference to data protection.

However, Deutsche Welle has no control over the data that network providers and operating system manufacturers, for example, collect and store when their apps are used or how they use this data.

Contact Form, Confidentiality of Emails

We provide a contact form in many places in DW.COM’s content. We only use your data for the purpose stated in each case. If we wish to use it for other purposes too, we explicitly indicate this and ask for your consent. If you send us an email, please be aware of the following: we cannot guarantee that an unencrypted e-mail sent to us via the Internet is confidential.

DW’s Data Protection Officer:
Thomas Gardemann,
Deutsche Welle,
Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 3,
53113 Bonn.
Tel.: +49 228 429-0

Christoph Jumpelt

Christoph Jumpelt

Head of Corporate Communications and Spokesperson

T. +49.228.429-2041