Organon – Exoplanet


After acid and jack, it’s a bit of a relief to get back to some soothing dub techno. Here’s a new release from Italy’s Organon on Deep In Dub. Free download / name your price.

Unknown I is one of those slow rolling dub techno tracks that drifts along, seemingly without purpose but inveigling you into its womb. Unknow II is a more hissy machine-music track that still rattles along. Not quite the equal of Unknown I.

Blurb: Hi peoples,  I’m very proud to present you Organon, one awesome guy, very active in the scene from long time, dj, producer and co-founder of Biomechanics netlabel !!!  Unknow I is banging as hell, Timeless deep dubtechno track, Unknow II sweeps you off your feet instantly with those incredible stebs, chords and dubtechno sounds !  I listen to this stoned, sober, it does not matter. this ep is absolutely insane and is begging to be dropped late late night when its time to start rearranging brain cells. Holy fuckin’ fuck.  Organon, gifted deepindub of some fantastic cuts, I really adore the Unknow I,but absolutely love the Unknow II as well. Top class record !!!  love & light  Maurizio Miceli

~ by acidted on August 31, 2013.

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