Elika – Virtual Ambient 7″


Trouble sleeping? Try some new ambient shoegaze. And if you still can’t sleep after listening, download it for free and count sheep.

Elika are a New York based duo who operate in shy floppy fringe territory. But this 3 track release is out on Everything Is Chemical records and is an ambient departure. Endlessness is full of drawn out tones and phases with dark undercurrents. A Hurricane, A Bar and an Uncle is a brief rain-washed interlude before I Love You and I Suffer. This returns to the tones and themes explored in Endlessness with long plaintive held notes.

Blurb: Indie/Electronic/Dreampop from Brooklyn. Honey-coated female vocals lay atop a bed of textured guitars, synths, throbbing bass & meticulously programmed drums. All good since 2005.


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~ by acidted on February 26, 2013.

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