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Rohan Connolly
Football journalist with The Age, 1116 SEN, rock music tragic ... is there anything else in life? Opinions mine ... and hopefully a few other peoples!
Rohan Connolly 3h
You know what's funny? Tipping you're far more pissed off about it than Marcus is. Haven't u got better things to worry about?
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Rohan Connolly 3h
Robbo didn't even do the game mate. It was Leo Schlink.
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Rohan Connolly 4h
Seriously, a tanty because one bloke didn't get votes in a game of football in which any one of 10 players could have? Grow up.
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Rohan Connolly 4h
Champion Data aren't the bloody oracle pal. Sod off.
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Rohan Connolly 4h
Reckon this implication bit rough. I had him in WB best, but didn't give him votes either ... Scott leaves Bont out
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Rohan Connolly 7h
That's further than I got.
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Rohan Connolly retweeted
Titus O'Reily 7h
If you don't fill out your Census tonight, you could face penalties of up to coaching Brisbane.
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Rohan Connolly retweeted
Aiden van den Berg 7h
reckon I could watch every episode of footyology from this year and the website still won't be working at the end of that.
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Rohan Connolly retweeted
Bergy 7h
Enjoyed the beardless Angus Sampson doing the 'Tomorrow's News Today' segment!
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Rohan Connolly 8h
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Rohan Connolly 8h
So how's that NBN coming along then?
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Rohan Connolly 8h
OK, so while you're waiting to do Census, check this out! FOOTYOLOGY with Rohan Connolly & Mark FIne... via
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Rohan Connolly 8h
I actually wasn't taking the piss then! Hadn't looked at Twitter for a while. So tipping they didn't really think this one through?
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Rohan Connolly retweeted
PDavies 8h
Enjoyed the show tonight Rohan.I think should become a regular on the show. Love that 1981 game Ess vs Carl
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Rohan Connolly 8h
Anyone else having trouble getting on to Census website?
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Rohan Connolly 9h
Today's FOOTYOLOGY coming up at 7.30pm on Channel 31. And if you can't get that, here it is anyway!.... via
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Rohan Connolly 10h
Very soon hopefully.
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Rohan Connolly 10h
Ch 31 at 7.30 or should be up on YouTube shortly.
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Rohan Connolly 11h
Beginning to have my doubts.
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Rohan Connolly 11h
Umm, GavMac's tweet was talking about KB, mate.
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