- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 56370
A rift valley is a linear-shaped lowland between several highlands or mountain ranges created by the action of a geologic rift or fault. A rift valley is formed on a divergent plate boundary, a crustal extension, a spreading apart of the surface, which is subsequently further deepened by the forces of erosion. When the tensional forces were strong enough to cause the plate to split apart, a center block dropped between the two blocks at its flanks, forming a graben. The drop of the center creates the nearly parallel steeply dipping walls of a rift valley when it is new. That feature is the beginning of the rift valley, but as the process continues, the valley widens, until it becomes a large basin that fills with sediment from the rift walls and the surrounding area. One of the best known examples of this process is the East African Rift. On Earth, rifts can occur at all elevations, from the sea floor to plateaus and mountain range in continental crust or in oceanic crust. They are often associated with a number of adjoining subsidiary or co-extensive valleys, which are typically considered part of the principal rift valley geologically.
In order of specificity, Rift Valley can refer to:
Great Rift may mean:
The Great Rift Valley is a name given to the continuous geographic trench, approximately 6,000 kilometres (3,700 mi) in length, that runs from Lebanon's Beqaa Valley in Asia to Mozambique in South Eastern Africa. The name continues in some usages, although it is today considered geologically imprecise as it combines features that are today regarded as separate, although related, rift and fault systems.
Today, the term is most often used to refer to the valley of the East African Rift, the divergent plate boundary which extends from the Afar Triple Junction southward across eastern Africa, and is in the process of splitting the African Plate into two new separate plates. Geologists generally refer to these incipient plates as the Nubian Plate and the Somali Plate.
The Great Rift Valley as originally described was thought to extend from Lebanon in the north to Mozambique in the south, where it constitutes one of two distinct physiographic provinces of the East African mountains. It included what we would call today the Lebanese section of the Dead Sea Transform, the Jordan Rift Valley, Red Sea Rift and the East African Rift.
In geology, a rift is a linear zone where the Earth's crust and lithosphere are being pulled apart and is an example of extensional tectonics.
Typical rift features are a central linear downfaulted depression, called a graben, or more commonly a half-graben with normal faulting and rift-flank uplifts mainly on one side. Where rifts remain above sea level they form a rift valley, which may be filled by water forming a rift lake. The axis of the rift area may contain volcanic rocks, and active volcanism is a part of many, but not all active rift systems.
Major rifts occur along the central axis of most mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust and lithosphere is created along a divergent boundary between two tectonic plates.
Failed rifts are the result of continental rifting that failed to continue to the point of break-up. Typically the transition from rifting to spreading develops at a triple junction where three converging rifts meet over a hotspot. Two of these evolve to the point of seafloor spreading, while the third ultimately fails, becoming an aulacogen.
De Grote Slenk (ook bekend als de Oost-Afrikaanse slenk, Grote Afrikaanse Slenk of de Grote Riftvallei) is een riftvallei; een langgerekt stelsel van slenken, dat loopt van Syrië tot Mozambique over een totale lengte van 6400 km. De slenk varieert in breedte van 30 tot 100 km en in diepte van enkele honderden tot zelfs duizenden meters. In de geologie wordt een dergelijk stelsel van slenken een rift genoemd, een gebied waar twee tektonische platen uit elkaar bewegen. Oost-Afrika maakt deel uit van de continentale Afrikaanse plaat, maar is op dit moment aan het splitsen in 2 platen. Dit zijn de Nubische plaat in het westen en de Somalische plaat in het oosten. Omdat de riftvallei doorloopt in de Rode Zee tot aan Syrië, wordt ook de Arabische plaat tot het divergerende systeem gerekend. Deze...
For more, visit http://science.discovery.com | Nick heads to the Great African Rift Valley to study the largest tectonic rift on the planet.
Estratto da un documentario di Alberto Angela in cui si parla della Rift Valley. Qui la parte naturalistica in cui venivano mostrati tanti ambienti e animali delle savane delle foreste (tipici o rari) è stata omessa. Essendo un video pensato per una lezione di geografia sull'Africa per la scuola media, qui si parla solo della sua origine tettonica, degli esploratori che l'hanno percorsa alla ricerca delle sorgenti del Nilo, dei gorilla di montagna e dei primi ominidi che sono apparsi nell'Africa lungo la Rift Valley (australopitechi).
In this video, I compiled some info and pictures to demonstrate how the East African Rift Valley is formed.
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) East Africa is one of the most geologically intriguing places on the planet—a place where the African continent is literally ripping apart. Deep rift valleys, active volcanoes, and hot springs are dramatic evidence for the powerful forces deep within the earth that are slowly reshaping the continent. Join geochemist David Hilton on an adventure to the East African Rift Valley and learn how he and his colleagues utilize geologic samples to understand this dynamic region of our planet. Series: "Perspectives on Ocean Science" [5/2014] [Science] [Show ID: 27844]
Asefa was one of them, a young veterinarian who has decided to return home to practice its profession with the tribes of the Rift Valley. Wendesen tours this awesome geological crack to attend to the call of communities like the Konso, Mursi or the Hammer, who try to preserve their traditional way of life, but who need the help of science to protect animals that support the base of its economy. SUBSCRIBE here and check out the best tribal videos: http://goo.gl/VngQAU Follow us and dont' miss anything: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu Discover more amazing documentaries on: http://www.youtube.com/user/newatlantisline http://www.youtube.com/user/newatlantiswild
Servizio tratto dalla puntata di Superquark del 10/06/10
Visit http://www.africanicons.co.za to see more about the book on African Icons. Renowned writer David Bristow and award-winning photographers Roger and Pat de la Harpe – longtime friends and business associates (authors of about 50 books individually as well as together) – have pooled their talents and visited Africa’s must-see places to share their insights with the world. This clip shows some of the attractions of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya that feature in the book. We stayed at the Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort in Kenya while researching and photographing this chapter: http://www.heritage-eastafrica.com
You come back to me sans subterfuge
As deluge clings to parched desert sands
It's way too much and too fast
Aghast the rivers flashed flood
And the waters are 33 grasping hands deep
To have and to keep
To hold and to know
To bring down the pomp and glamour
And burn change the three ring show
With the big top all aglow
The Circus Maximus is the poignant kiss
Well what's become of
Stuttered to no avail and the mast and sail
Inflates as billow we fall upon the pillow of grass
Me and this fallible lass
With up skirt and down dress
With arched curves we confess
We're omnivoric whores
We're human stars amongst scores
We're gluttonous fasters
We're servants and we're masters
We're healed sores gaping fresh anew
Like whatever plasters the sobered glue
Of red white deepest black and blue
Oh fuck the onslaught slew the spirit flew
Just to test it's wings and rally
Despite hoops and flaming rings