
Alexandra Hills stabbing: Tribute for 'larrikin' dad Daryl Corcoran

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Daryl Corcoran knew how to find trouble.

The 37-year-old, who was killed on Tuesday, was a larrikin and he was all about family.

Mr Corcoran was slain inside his home, allegedly stabbed to death by his girlfriend's former partner.

Police were called to his Alexandra Hills home before midnight on Tuesday, to find him dead and the man who allegedly stabbed him with stab wounds which police believe were self-inflicted.

Mr Corcoran's cousin, Jodie Thompson, said he was the kind of man to lend a hand and make people laugh.

"He was my cousin and he was a great mate, one of those people who would take his shirt off his back for you," she said.


"He was a larrikin, he also used to find trouble wherever he could. I remember when he was younger and his mates found some detonators and decided to play with them and he actually lost a few of his fingers for it."

But for the trouble he caused she said he was a "good bloke", despite a rough start.

"He found trouble, but he was a really good bloke, he lost his father when he was younger to a motor vehicle accident," Ms Thompson said.

"It was just him, his brother and his mum. She brought them up very well and Daryl did well for himself considering what childhood he had.

"He had a very close family and some really good friends and he loved life."

Ms Thompson said Mr Corcoran had announced on Facebook he was looking forward to taking a holiday with his girlfriend, after he had found a steady job.

"When he was living in Tamworth, that's where he came from, he was a trolley boy for Coles, but then he left there and moved up to Brisbane," she said.

"So he just got himself a full time permanent job, just done his induction on the 18th of November and then I get the news on the Wednesday that he had been (killed) and he never even got a chance.

"Him and his girlfriend would have been able to go on a proper holiday because he actually got a permanent job,"

Unfortunately for Mr Corcoran, Ms Thompson said, he was just an innocent party in the terrible incident.

"This should never have happened, domestic violence is never OK, and even though it wasn't domestic violence between Daryl and his partner," she said.

"...No matter what, whether it's violence against the woman or the man, it's not right and people do get hurt."
