Cuban President Raul Castro has confirmed reports his brother, and revolutionary leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro has died after it was reported on national television.
He was one of the world's longest serving leaders and political survivors whose revolution defied 11 United States' presidents.
Thousands of protesters braved sleet and freezing temperatures in Seoul on Saturday to demand President Park Geun-Hye resign over a corruption scandal or face...
Surgeons at Melbourne's Monash Children’s Hospital have completed seven hours of complex world-first reconstructive surgery on a two year-old girl, born with a...
The hero taxi driver who rescued passengers during a fatal attack on a Brisbane bus driver has been recognised for his bravery.
Staff at Symbio Wildlife Park south of Sydney say entry has been forced to the site's monkey enclosure and three animals, including a baby, are missing.

Cambodia offers surrogacy amnesty

Despite strict laws banning surrogacy, the Cambodian government has assured Australians who paid for babies that they can collect their infants without fear.

US Politics

The best of SBS' coverage of the race to the White House.

Donald Trump has tapped Fox News analyst Kathleen McFarland to be deputy national security adviser, and campaign attorney Donald McGahn as White House counsel.
Paul Keating, who helped tear down Australia's trade barriers, says US president-elect Donald Trump's protectionist politics are "never going to pay off".
Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on Thursday launched a bid to seek a vote recount in Wisconsin, the first of three Rust Belt states won by...
The Clinton campaign hasn't responded to a request for comment as to whether it will petition for a recount in three battleground states.
Donald Trump chose a Republican critic to join his cabinet Wednesday, the first woman on his top team after his early picks rewarded campaign loyalists.
President-elect Donald Trump will not push for further investigation of Hillary Clinton related to her private email use and the Clinton Foundation, a close...
As Donald Trump begins abandoning his campaign promises, his team says the president-elect doesn't want to focus on things said in the "heat of the campaign".

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

Extremists and radical migrants will be prevented from becoming Australian citizens in planned changes to visa laws, according to media reports.
Australia has a strong case to have the country's most wanted terrorist, Neil Prakash, prosecuted under Australian law, a counter-terrorism expert says.
Giant panda cub Bei Bei is recovering following surgery to remove a "lemon-sized mass of bamboo" from his small intestine in the US.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to allow tens of thousands of migrants to flood into Europe unless the European Union restarts talks to...

Sack Brandis over WA deal: Dreyfus

A torpedoed deal between the Commonwealth and states appears to have been a significant factor in the toxic row between George Brandis and Justin Gleeson.
Former Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos has been buried in secret at the country's national cemetery, sparking protests.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says Brexit can be stopped if the British people decide if "the pain-gain cost-benefit analysis doesn't stack up".

Cultural Perspectives

A series of stories aimed at busting the myths around religion, cultural practices and sacred texts.

Many Yazidi families have resettled in countries as far afield as Germany, the United States, Turkey and Australia.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is predicted to rival Christianity in terms of global population by 2050. But, despite popular perception,...
What exactly is Sharia law? And is it in conflict with the Australian way of life?
What are burqas and niqabs, and why are they worn?
Anti-Muslim activists often cite violent passages from the Qur'an and other sacred Islamic texts to prove Islam is a violent religion. But how do these claims...

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

Thai migrant women are victims of domestic violence at seven times the national rate, mostly at the hands of their Australian-born partners, the latest data shows.
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia has decided to celebrate Australia Day two days later after hearing the concerns of Aboriginal elders.
The world’s leading orangutan scientist is urging Australians to support the campaign for mandatory labelling of palm oil in all food products.
A Bangladeshi doctor and her two children are facing deportation after her daughter's developmental delay lead to the rejection of their application to stay in...
Families continue to arrive each month to join a growing community of Yazidi refugees in regional New South Wales.
The Feed
The thing about domestic violence, for many of us it just seems like too big a problem, too hard for us to do anything meaningful about: but one company is...
Tyrone Unsworth, a 13-year-old Brisbane high-school student, took his life earlier this week following years of relentless bullying over his sexuality.
Donald Trump supporters were jubilant while Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked and silent - it is the tale of two camps as the US starts to come to terms with Trump's shock victory.
More than 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are engaged in a bloody battle to re-take control of Mosul from IS.

Finetta's life at home

A 6.2-magnitude hit central Italy on Wednesday, leaving more than 150 dead and reducing towns across the region to rubble.
Louisiana has faced epic flooding, with at least seven people killed and thousands evacuated to emergency shelters after waterways in the southern part of the state overflowed their banks.

Who's Who in the Hip Op Crew?

Meet Mi$$y Ro Yo, Kara Bang Bang, Big Deal and the rest of the world's oldest hip-hop crew.

On Location in Sicily

Aela Callan and the Dateline crew captured not only the story of the anti-mafia fight in Sicily, but also the sights and sounds of this Mediterranean island.
Dozens of protesters both for and against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have faced off at the opening of the Republican National Convention in the state of Ohio.

Bastille Day attack

At least 60 people are dead and 100 injured in the French city of Nice after a truck ploughed into a crowd in what officials and witnesses say was a deliberate attack.

Behind the Scenes: Gaza Life

Reporter Brett Mason and producer Will West spent just over a week filming in Gaza for Dateline. These behind the scenes photos offer more insight into daily life there.