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AWS Application Discovery Service helps Systems Integrators quickly and reliably plan application migration projects by automatically identifying applications running in on-premises data centers, their associated dependencies, and their performance profile.

Planning data center migrations can involve thousands of workloads that are often deeply interdependent.  Application discovery and dependency mapping are important early first steps in the migration process, but difficult to perform at scale due to the lack of automated tools.

AWS Application Discovery Service automatically collects configuration and usage data from servers, storage and networking equipment to develop a list of applications, how they perform, and how they are interdependent.  This information is retained in encrypted format in an AWS Application Discovery Service database which you can export as a CSV or XML file into your preferred visualization tool or cloud migration solution to help reduce the complexity and time in planning your cloud migration.

Fast, Consistent Performance

Simplify the Cloud Migration Planning Process

AWS Application Discovery Service automatically identifies installed applications, network dependencies, and system performance data.  Data from the service can be used to find multi-tier applications that should be migrated as a group.


Easily Integrate with Cloud Migration Tools

AWS Application Discovery Service provides a set of public APIs and an open data format. This approach allows you to collect data from other discovery solutions in the Application Discovery database, and use this data in a cloud migration solution or within a cloud migration framework provided by System Integration partners.

Fully Managed

Protect Data with End-to-End Encryption

AWS Application Discovery Service helps ensure that collected application configuration data is protected end-to-end by encrypting it on-premises, maintaining encryption in transit to AWS, and storing in an encrypted format in the Application Discovery database.

Event Driven Programming

Consult with AWS Professionals and APN Partners

AWS Application Discovery Service is available through engagements with AWS Professional Services or through one of our APN Partners. These trained professionals have helped hundreds of enterprise customers successfully complete their migration to the cloud.


Discover Applications

AWS Application Discovery Service automatically identifies installed applications and running processes on your hosts. The service identifies static host information such as server hostnames, IP addresses, and MAC addresses. Allocation and utilization of key system resources such as CPU, network, memory, and disk are also captured. This information helps you size your AWS resources.


Map Application Dependencies

AWS Application Discovery Service discovers network communications and associated processes.  It aggregates this information to derive application and infrastructure level dependencies that exist within your workloads.  This helps account for many dependencies when planning your migration to AWS.


Measure Application Performance

AWS Application Discovery Service  captures performance information about applications and processes by measuring host CPU, memory, and disk use, as well as disk and network latency and throughput.  This information lets you establish a performance baseline to use as a comparison after you migrate to AWS.

AWS Application Discovery Service is now publicly available.  Sign up for the service here.

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