
Garry Linnell

Garry Linnell is a Fairfax Media columnist and the co-presenter of the 2UE Breakfast Show.

Using a phone illegally while driving causes more fatal crashes in NSW than not wearing a seatbelt.

It's undeniable: mobile phones are killing us

Take your hand off it for a moment. Please. Hard to do, I know. The damn thing is the bane of my existence as well. It's like being the better half of an evil siamese twin. No matter where you go it's always with you, nagging, nudging, distracting and, even worse, playing with your mind.

More than one in three Australians admit to using cannabis.

The US could go up in smoke - but not because of Trump

In the middle of next week millions of Americans will front the ballot box and make a decision that, depending on your point of view, will leave their nation on course to become a complete smoking ruin or a richer and far more relaxed place.

Staged? Of course not. But try to tell that to some people.

Conspiracy Land shows we're more gullible than ever

In March 1907, Dr Frank Seccord and third-year student Andrew Prentice from the Sydney University history department set out on a horse and cart and headed west through the Blue Mountains. It took them seven brutal weeks travelling through harsh terrain before they finally settled camp at Capertee, a small farming village north of Lithgow.

In the current job market, there are no guarantees of a bright future for young people studying at university.

HSC students deserve a sincere apology

Dear HSC students, You deserve an apology. You see, every time I hear you complain about the pressure – that constant crack of the whip urging you on to a higher university admission score – I get the urge to grab you, give you a decent shake and tell you it's time to harden up.

Paul McCartney and John Lennon in 1968.

The biggest blight Baby Boomers have inflicted on us

Close your eyes and listen. Hear that tinny, repetitive noise? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe it's the soundtrack in the cafe you're sitting in. Perhaps it's blaring in the lounge room of a really boring acquaintance who won't let you leave. Could be the lobby of a hotel. The radio in your car. Or just your local supermarket.

I hereby swear ... but we're not allowed to in this forum.

Religions should lose their tax-exempt status

And so it came to pass that in the Year of our Lord, 1921, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the galaxies were flying apart. Behold, he said, the universe was expanding. And so the Unbelievers declared that science was capable of explaining everything and that God - if not dead - was surely suffering a terminal illness.