No more jobs for life: Fair Work says bans on forced redundancies 'social welfare'

NSW electricity provider Essential Energy has been given the go-ahead to cut 600 jobs.
NSW electricity provider Essential Energy has been given the go-ahead to cut 600 jobs. Kirk Gilmour

Electricity providers being privatised by the New South Wales government have seen their chances of profitability boosted after a landmark Fair Work Commission decision opened a path to use compulsory redundancies to cut hundreds of jobs.

In the long-awaited arbitration ruling involving publicly owned Essential Energy and handed down on Wednesday, a Fair Work full bench held that as "a matter of general principle" it would not be "appropriate" to ban employers from using compulsory redundancies, as unions had sought.

"It is difficult to identify a proper justification for, in effect, requiring an employer to employ more persons than it needs to conduct its normal business functions," Fair Work vice president Adam Hatcher, deputy president Peter Sams and commissioner Paula Spencer said.

"That would amount to compelling a business to subsidise employment, which would be in the nature of a social welfare decision appropriate for government and not for an industrial tribunal performing arbitral functions."

Essential Energy, the up-for-sale Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid, which industry super funds IFM Investors and AustralianSuper bought for $16.2 billion, are in a legal battle with the Australian Energy Regulator to increase electricity prices on grounds their agreements prohibit using involuntary redundancies to meet revenue requirements.

Although the Fair Work ruling only applies to arbitration determinations and not agreements, it means Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy could use mechanisms in the Fair Work Act to trigger arbitration and remove the so-called "job for life" clauses. It is also likely to boost their bargaining power.

Endeavour Energy is in the middle of negotiations – its latest agreement expired two years ago and the parties await the outcome of the Essential Energy arbitration.

Ausgrid, which has about 4600 employees, is more restricted as it is covered by sales legislation that guarantees jobs for continuing employees until July 2020. However, after 2020, it is expected to seek to remove the no-forced redundancy clauses from its agreement.

In its ruling, the bench said it did not give unions' interests "decisive weight" because it was clear Essential Energy "faces an ongoing requirement to reduce substantially its operating expenditure in order to be able to operate within the revenue cap imposed by the regulatory regime, in circumstances where it is not currently profitable".

"Essential Energy's labour costs are the major component of its total operating expenditure and therefore it is unavoidable that the size of the workforce must be diminished in order for reductions in labour costs of the required magnitude to be achieved."

The bench gave Essential Energy the go-ahead to start making up to 600 employees redundant by June 2018, after which the number of job cuts would be uncapped.

The decision revealed the company intended to make half its workforce redundant, or 1600 workers, by the 2019 financial year.

Job cuts threaten Nationals seats

Unions, which spent half a million dollars on the legal fight with Essential Energy, have slammed the Fair Work ruling as "diabolical" and said it would be only a matter of time before the other electricity providers took the same path.

United Services Union secretary Graeme Kelly said the decision "set the new low". "It will encourage those companies to follow suit."

He said the decision is "one of the biggest blows to employment in regional NSW that has ever occurred".

The job cuts are likely to challenge the Nationals' seats in regional NSW just days after the party lost its long-held seat of Orange in a shock byelection. The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, which took Orange, has pledged to run candidates in all Nationals seats in NSW for the 2019 election.

Electrical Trades Union secretary Dave McKinley called on the Baird government to intervene and save jobs.

"The economic and social impact of such huge job cuts – which will tear hundreds of millions of dollars out of the economies of rural communities – will be untold human suffering in the communities the National Party claims to represent."

An Essential Energy spokesperson said the Fair Work decision "brings our business into line with market realities".

"It provides Essential Energy with greater flexibility to continue the process of reforming the Essential Energy business in response to changing customer expectations and a rapidly evolving energy sector."

Endeavour Energy said its current enterprise agreement is "uncompetitive and threatens job security" and it was considering the implications of the Fair Work ruling.

"We're committed to exploring all available options to finalise a more competitive enterprise agreement that best serves the interests of our customers, our people and our business," a spokesperson said.