Tag: m.news

On Al-Jazeera!

8 Nov, '0720 Comments

I’ve been interviewed and filmed by Al-Jazeera’s Hashim Ahelbarra (the English channel) about a couple of weeks ago, the segment is airing in their news program throughout the day today Nov 8th, ’07. If you’re interested in watching, you can do so online (click here or click “watch now” on their front page). Hope you […]

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18 Sep, '073 Comments

Sorry. Got fed up of spam so I instructed the hosting company to install SpamAssassin. Little did I know that that required a complete re-install of the OS in order for that Plesk license to work! After holding my head in my hands for a few minutes thinking of trying to find ways to buy […]

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Friday Video – 14 Sept, ’07

14 Sep, '071 Comment

Finally! This “real” video thingy is taking the whole day to finish and then upload, but hey, I enjoy it tremendously and I hope you like it. I wish you a wonderful Friday, weekend, Ramadhan, Iftar, life, and every other good thing in your lives. [MEDIA=6] It’s about 50 megs! There’s a smaller YouTube version […]

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Ramadhan Kareem!

Ramadhan Kareem!

12 Sep, '0717 Comments

I wish you all a very happy, peaceful, spiritual and fulfilling Ramadhan, may Allah return it on all of humanity in peace and tranquillity. the caption reads “It is now the athan al-maghreb time” (dusk call to prayer, the time at which the fast is broken)

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Destination unknown

Destination unknown

3 Sep, '0752 Comments

Of course it’s bloody well unknown if you watch this kind of video on a MTV while you’re already killing yourself on an elliptical cross-trainer from hell with a pulse monitor to boot. Is it any wonder that my pulse jumped from 145 to over 160 bpms? This was what was playing that early in […]

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If you want to comment here…

27 Jul, '072 Comments

please register. It doesn’t take much to do so and if you don’t believe me just have a look here. I get hundreds of spam every day and apart from the manual labour that I have to go through them to rescue whatever is genuine, it slows down the site and taxes the server as […]

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Welcome to “Mahmood Talk”

Welcome to “Mahmood Talk”

11 Jul, '0715 Comments

Come on in, my friends, have a seat on my comfortable couch, relax, have a cup of chai and let’s talk a while! You want to discuss a topic of your own and wish to know how others perceive it? You have a burning question that needs an answer? You have a creative idea and […]

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Mahmood’s Den Scapegoat of the moment —-> Amal aka enTaiFah!

Mahmood’s Den Scapegoat of the moment —-> Amal aka enTaiFah!

1 Jul, '0716 Comments

Yep, it’s that time again. I’m off on a short trip to lovely Amman, Jordan this afternoon. So in the tradition of Mtv, it gives me great pleasure to announce this time’s Scapegoat of the Moment [MtvSM™]: Amal aka enTaiFah That means that she is to blame for all the ills of the world and […]

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Off to Amman, Jordan

1 Jul, '079 Comments

I’ll be off for a couple of days to Jordan, the first in my life! But, as I told my wife this morning, all hotel lobbies and conference halls look virtually identical, down to the smell of the cleaning solvents they use! It’s the semi-annual meeting of the IREX advisory council. Any idea as to […]

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Meet Zeke

19 Jun, '0732 Comments

I just got fed up with the previous theme and thought that it’s time for a change. So I took a freely available theme called Zeke from SoloStream and retooled it to suite Mahmood’s Den a bit better. As you can see, this theme is wider; it’s main screen is 960 pixels wide and has […]

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