Small Business

What do 'Tony's tradies' really think?

Builders, plumbers and electricians are supposed to be some of the main beneficiaries of this year's budget. Do they care?

The federal government's decision to offer up $20,000 in tax breaks for small businesses is a winner. Every small business contacted by MySmallBusiness has given a resounding "thumbs up" for the new rules that came into force on budget night and continue right up until June 30, 2017.

Businesses with a turnover of less than $2 million are eligible for the $20,000 tax deduction on business-related purchases. The asset has to be used in an income-earning capacity.

Sunny: Tradespeople are supportive of tax breaks announced at this year's federal budget.
Sunny: Tradespeople are supportive of tax breaks announced at this year's federal budget. Photo: Tamara Voninski

This is a whopping increase on the previous $1000 asset write-off. The federal government has allocated $1.75 billion to the scheme.

"In my opinion the federal government should have been doing this a long time ago," says Paal​ Grant, owner of Designs in Landscaping.

"I will start by buying a new shed to house my tools and then see what is left to buy some more tools. Ultimately, the more assets I have means I can expand the business and the better it is for clients."

Grant, a sole trader, who employs three people, says that small businesses are a distinct disadvantage to big businesses.


"The reality is that big businesses have access to an accountant all the time that helps them make important decisions to minimise their taxation," he says. "Most small businesses only contact their accountant once a year and miss out on plenty of tax advantages.

"We really need to look after small businesses and the $20,000 asset write off and tax cut will help but we need more to even things out."

Hans Dudink who runs a plumbing business in Melbourne says the ultimate winner of the tax breaks will be the client.

"The better the assets the small business has, the faster a job can be completed, and the cheaper the price will be," Dudink says. "This means that the client will get a better service and I will be able to fit more jobs in during the day due to having better equipment."

David Vitek​, CEO of Hipages​, one of Australia's largest on-demand home services marketplace and leading sites for finding local tradespeople, says there are many advantages for small businesses from the budget initiatives.

"For tradies​, they'll have an incentive to gear up and invest in plant, tools and equipment," Vitek​ says. "The feedback we are getting from them is overwhelmingly positive on this.

Businesses need to wait until their tax calculations are finalised before any deduction can be applied.

"For homeowners, tradies​ are going to be arriving on the job with better tools and equipment. A better-resourced tradie​ is not only going to be more productive but also do a better job. The allocation in the budget for further investment in training and apprenticeships is also going to see tradies​ with improved skills coming through the ranks. This all translates into higher quality workmanship and happier homeowners."

Vitek​, who started Hipages​ in 2004 with his business partner, has grown the directory to record more than 40,000 businesses registered covering over 1200 categories with 75,000 written recommendations from homeowners, says tradies​ must be smart when using the tax break.

"Like everyone, tradies​ need to get professional tax advice on these matters," he says. "We advise any tradie​ or small business owner to educate themselves about all aspects of the budget and how it may affect them."

James Mason, owner of Our Build Sydney, and who has been in the business for 22 years, says that while he will take advantage of the $20,000 tax break, but urges caution for those businesses on tight cashflow.

"It is a great initiative for business but trades people need to be sure that they can afford it," he says. "Using better equipment is an advantage for everyone, and lowering the tax rate, increases your available spend each week, so we are heading in the right direction."

Michael Ellis, commercial development manager of Bibby Financial Services Australia, backs Mason's note of caution of small business restricting their working capital by buying tools that they can't afford.

"Cashflow should be one of the greatest considerations that businesses make before [using] the newly announced $20,000 write off," Ellis says. "Despite the assets being 100 per cent tax deductible businesses will need to wait until their tax calculations are finalised for the year before any deduction can be applied.

"It is also crucial to remember that whilst the asset is 100 per cent tax deductible, the purchasing business will not realise the full purchase amount as a refund and/or reduction in their end of year tax return. If the asset purchased is equal to $20,000 then you receive benefit to the value of your marginal tax rate, which for a small company will be reduced to 28.5 per cent. In monetary terms, this would equate to $5700.

"Cash flow management is among the most important aspects of running a small business. Due to the unpredictable nature, it can also be one of the most challenging. Even the most organised businesses can encounter challenges when payment terms are stretched by their customers or when unexpected costs are incurred."

Small businesses around Australia will probably never get a better tax break. Just make sure you can afford to spend $20,000 on business related purchases before you commit to it.

What are you buying for your business thanks to the budget?