- published: 22 Mar 2007
- views: 1394
Endre Antal Miksa De Toth, better known as André de Toth (May 15, 1913– October 27, 2002) was a Hungarian-American film director, born and raised in Makó, Csanád, Kingdom of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire. He directed the 3-D film House of Wax, despite being unable to see in 3-D himself, having lost an eye at an early age. Upon naturalization as a United States citizen in 1945, he took Endre Antal Miksa De Toth as his legal name.
Born in 1913 as Tóth Endre Antal Mihály, with the nobility titles of Sasvári Farkasfalvi Tóthfalusi, he earned a degree in law from the Royal Hungarian Pázmány Péter Science's University in Budapest in the early 1930s. He garnered acclaim for plays written as a college student, acquiring the mentorship of Ferenc Molnár and becoming part of the theater scene in Budapest. From that involvement he segued to the film industry and worked as a writer, assistant director, editor and sometime actor. In 1939 he directed five films just before war began in Europe. Several of these films received significant release in the Hungarian communities in the United States. De Toth went to England, spent several years as an assistant to fellow émigré Alexander Korda, and eventually moved to Los Angeles in 1942.
Andre de Toth at SFIFF40
De Toth on Dick Powell in Pitfall
André De Toth - (1959) Day of the Outlaw -- The Bal scene
Crime Wave - Andre de Toth - Trailer
Andre de Toth on Sterling Hayden in Crime Wave
Pitfall (André De Toth, 1948) - Trailer
Tobe Hooper's Spontaneous Combustion (1990) - André de Toth introduces the monster
André De Toth
James Ellroy & Eddie Muller re Andre De Toth
André de Toth, a rendezők rendezője
One of the genre-maneuvering mavericks from the glory days of the studio system, Andre de Toth received a tribute at the 40th San Francisco International Film Festival in 1997. In his onstage interview, the eyepatch-wearing director shares his thoughts on actors, one-eyed directors and contemporary films.
Andre de Toth on Dick Powell's portrayal of the cheating husband in Pitfall.
André De Toth, Day of the Outlaw, 1959 -- Chevauchée des bannis
"Once a crook, always a crook," is the belief of Lieutenant Sims (Sterling Hayden), the tough-talking cop who's convinced ex-con Steve Lacey (Gene Nelson) has his hands in a filling station heist that went awry. Despite Sims's suspicions, Lacey has been on the straight and narrow since he got out of the joint. He's got a wife, a steady job, and a parole officer who swears to Lacey's fidelity.
Andre de Toth on Sterling Hayden in Crime Wave in his 6-part interview with Patrick Francis
André de Toth’s modestly budgeted Pitfall (1948), a classic noir grounded in a staunchly conservative view of the nuclear family. Pitfall relentlessly supports conventional morality, causing its restless protagonist (Dick Powell) to pay for the rest of his life because of a single, twenty-four-hour indiscretion. At the same time, it uses the married man’s involvement with another woman to reveal tensions between social classes, and it portrays the ostensible femme fatale (Lizabeth Scott) in quite sympathetic terms. Perhaps more significantly, it makes suburban America seem like an iron cage for both the wife and the husband.
Filmography - 1935: A nagymama. 1936: A királyné huszárja. 1938: A falu rossza; A Noszty fiú esete Tóth Marival; A 111 -es. 1939: Toprini nász. 1939: Öt óra 40; Két lány az utcán; Hat hét boldogság. 1940: Semmelweis; The Thief of Bagdad. 1941: Lydia. 1942: Jungle Book. 1943: Passport to Suez. 1944: None Shall Escape; Since You Went Away; Dark Waters; Guest in the House. 1946: Young Widow. 1947: Ramrod; The Other Love. 1947: Dishonored Lady. 1948: Pitfall. 1949: Slattery's Hurricane. 1950: The Gunfighter. 1951: Man in the Saddle. 1952: Carson City; Springfielf Rifle. 1953: Last of the Comanches; House of Wax; The Stranger Wore a Gun; Thunder Over the Plains. 1954: Crime Wave; Riding Shotgun; Tanganyika; The Bounty Hunter. 1955: The Indian Fighter. 1957: Monkey on My Back; Hidden Fear. 1958:...
James Ellroy and Eddie Muller discuss Crime Wave's director Andre De Toth.at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles.
Martin Scorsese szerint André de Toth a rendezők rendezője. 1913. május 15-én, Makón született. Akkoriban még Tóth Endrének hívták. Az 1932 és 1939 közötti tanulóévei idején becsavarogta a világ akkoriban divatos filmgyártó helyeit. 1939-ben 5 (!) játékfilmet rendezhetett Budapesten, a Hunnia filmgyárban, majd Hollywoodban sikeresen gyakorolhatta a filmrendezés mesterségét. 2002. október 27-én halt meg. Az emlékfilm narrátora: Báron György. Közreműködik: Balogh Gyöngyi, Marx József, Steve Kovács, dr. Vermes Iván. Rendező-producer: Sólyom András.
Day of the Outlaw 1959 Full Length Western Movie *** Director: André De Toth (as Andre De Toth) ** Writers: Lee E. Wells (novel), Philip Yordan (screenplay) * Stars: Robert Ryan, Burl Ives, Tina Louise
(Dec. 20, 2015) As part of a new "Directors You Should Know" series, designed to examine the career of a director not well known by name, this week Red River Theatres screened tCRIME WAVE (1954) from Director Andre De Toth. Here invited panelist, writer, teacher, and author Dana Biscotti Myskowski joins Barry Steelman, the series' curator, to discuss De Toth's career and CRIME WAVE, specifically. For more about non-profit independent cinema Red River Theatres, visit our website, www.redrivertheatres.org. Become a Member and support indie cinema that engages, enlightens and entertains.
movie trailer for Pitfall with Dick Powell, Raymond Burr and Lizabeth Scott John Forbes is a family man who's tired of the 9 to 5 humdrum of his job an insurance company executive. Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls ... André de Toth's modestly budgeted Pitfall (1948), a classic noir grounded in a staunchly conservative view of the nuclear family. Pitfall relentlessly supports ... Pitfall - Dick Powell, Lizabeth Scott 1948 Pitfall - Dick Powell, Lizabeth Scott 1948
Dans une Amérique déchirée par la guerre de Sécession, les tensions entre les différentes communautés sont toujours aussi vivaces et donnent souvent lieu à de brutales confrontations. L'histoire se déroule ici dans une petite ville du Kansas, située à la croisée des pistes de l'Ouest sauvage, lieu de passage obligé d'immenses troupeaux de bétail. Le shérif du comté, interprété avec panache par l'inoubliable Randolph Scott, tente par tous les moyens de mettre fin à une guerre opposant les riches propriétaires de ranch aux immigrants. D'après le livre de Ernest Haycox " Trail Town " Prolifique romancier, les histoires d'Ernest Haycox servirent de trame pour de nombreux classiques du western comme " Je suis un aventurier " de Anthony Mann, " Le cavalier de la mort " de André De Toth ou " La...
Ano de Lançamento: 1951 Sinopse: Um dos melhores faroestes dirigido pelo mestre André de Toth. Neste filme, produzido e estrelado por Randolph Scott, nosso astro interpreta um vaqueiro honrado, que é forçado a lutar contra um adversário ganancioso e mau para proteger suas terras. Owen Merritt (Scott) é um cavaleiro solitário, como Tennessee Ernie Ford canta na bela canção-tema. Sua namorada, a ambiciosa Laurie (Joan Leslie) o deixa para ficar com o frio e cruel rancheiro Will Isham (Alexander Knox), apesar de ainda amar Scott. Porém, Owen recusa-se a lutar com Isham pelo amor de Laurie, ou pela sua terra, o seu Rancho Skull. Os problemas logo surgem na fazenda de Owen quando um misterioso estouro do rebanho de seu gado, mata seus homens, e a suspeita recai no sinistro capataz de Isham, Fa...
Ramrod 1947 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake Full Length Western Movie **** Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, Don DeFore -- Director: André De Toth (as Andre . Ramrod 1947 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake Full Length Western Movie **** Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, Don DeFore -- Director: André De Toth (as Andre. Ramrod 1947 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake Full Length Western Movie **** Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, Don DeFore -- Director: André De Toth (as Andre . Ramrod 1947 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake Full Length Western Movie **** Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, Don DeFore -- Director: André De Toth (as Andre.
ΕΠΕΞΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ VIDEO-ΕΝΣΩΜΑΤΩΣΗ ΥΠΟΤΙΤΛΩΝ:DEATON-NIKOLAOS. The Indian Fighter (1955). Director: Andre De Toth (as Andre de Toth). Writers: Robert L. Richards (story) (as Ben Kadish) , Frank Davis. (screenplay). Stars: Kirk Douglas, Elsa Martinelli, Walter Matthau.
színes, amerikai western, 88 perc, 1955 rendező: André De Toth forgatókönyvíró: Frank Davis Ben Hecht zene: Franz Waxman szereplő(k): Johnny Hawks Kirk Douglas Onahti Elsa Martinelli Wes Todd Walter Matthau Trask kapitány Walter Abel Chivington Lon Chaney Jr. Tartalom: A klasszikus történet az indiánok és a fehérek kibékíthetetlen harcáról és az aranyról szól. Johnny Hawks (Kirk Douglas), a nagy fehér indián harcos két világ határán mozog. Ő az úgynevezett "frontier" ember, kinek Vörös Felhő a barátja, sziu indiánnő a szerelme, s ugyanakkor a fehérek védelmezője is. A fehérek azt terjesztik róla, hogy több skalpja van, mint az indiánoknak. Johnny azonban az igazság és a törvény oldalán áll. Egy karaván indul az új erődtől észak felé, amely Vörös Felhő területén át vezet. Jo...
Return of the Texan 1952 Full Length Western Movie **** Stars:Walter Brennan , Dale Robertson, Joanne Dru, -- Director: Delmer Daves. Western movies full length Hub - The Intruders (1970) western movies full length Hub watch,full movies,cowboy,classic,full movie,cult,western,classical,weste. Showdown at Abilene 1956 Full Length Western Movie -- Stars: Jock Mahoney, Martha Hyer, Lyle Bettger -- Director: Charles F. Haas (as Charles Haas) Showdown . Ramrod 1947 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake Full Length Western Movie **** Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, Don DeFore -- Director: André De Toth (as Andre de T.
James Ellroy and Eddie Muller talk about the notorious Timothy Carey following the screening of Andre De Toth's Crime Wave at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood.
"What slips through the cracks has always fascinated me ... [40's B-Movie directors] had less money, more freedom ... they could introduce unusual touches, weave unexpected motifs and even transform routine material into a much more personal expression, so in a sense they became smugglers. They cheated and somehow got away with it." Martin Scorsese Chapter 9 Director as Smuggler Part 1 from A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995). Martin Scorsese is a master craftsman in the art of cinema with an encyclopaedic knowledge of Movies. It is a pleasure to hear his views on early American cinema where his love of the silverscreen was awakened and "coloured his dreams". Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7K7UEvDonQ0Y_f0jnBNZMo43KYjXz5lP 1 Introduct...
Sterling Hayden, André De Toth. With Gene Nelson, Sterling Hayden, Phyllis Kirk, Ted de Corsia. Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a ...
Crime Wave 1954 Charles Bronson.
Play Dirty is a 1969 British war film starring Michael Caine, Nigel Green and Harry Andrews. It was directed by Andre De Toth based on a screenplay by Melvyn Bragg and Lotte Colin. The film's story is inspired by the exploits of units such as the Long Range Desert Group, Popski's Private Army and the SAS in North Africa during World War II. For further movie mayhem; https://www.facebook.com/VultureGraffix
Un film d'André De Toth Avec Robert Ryan, Burl Ives, Tina Louise, Alan Marshal, Venetia Stevenson, David Nelson Une bande de hors-la-loi prend en siège un petit village du Wyoming, perdu dans les Rocheuses. Les fermiers, effrayés, interrompent alors leurs querelles pour faire front ensemble… Au cinéma le 12 décembre 1959 Reprise en version restaurée le 6 janvier 2016 ➨ Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook http://on.fb.me/1sZrUu8 ✓ Ou venez faire un tour sur notre site http://www.digitalcine.fr/ © Splendor Film (Rep. 2016)