A British photographer well-known in the fashion industry who had been accused of rape last week has been found dead in Paris.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to allow tens of thousands of migrants to flood into Europe unless the European Union restarts talks to...
A former soldier has been arrested over the murder of a woman in a retirement home for Catholic missionaires in southern France.
US action-movie star Steven Seagal has received a Russian passport from President Vladimir Putin.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says Brexit can be stopped if the British people decide if "the pain-gain cost-benefit analysis doesn't stack up".
Paris's main police station and Disneyland Paris were among the terror targets considered by a group of friends in France.
A German zoo has closed as a precaution after an emu died of bird flu in the latest case of H5N8 detected in the country.
A crucial referendum will determine the future of Italian PM Matteo Renzi and could pave the way for a Euro-sceptic party determined to trigger a vote to leave...
French authorities continue their hunt for the suspect behind a fatal stabbing at a missionaries' retirement home, and have ruled out any links to terrorism.
Angry migrants set fire to a camp on the Greek island of Lesbos Thursday after a woman and a six-year-old child died following a gas cylinder explosion, local...
An armed man stabbed a woman employee to death after bursting into a retirement home for missionaries in southern France on Thursday, a prosecutor said.
Around 1,500 migrants have rioted in Bulgaria's largest refugee camp, triggering clashes with police.
A Syrian refugee has been arrested in Germany on suspicion he was trying to make a bomb.

Aleppo rebels agree to UN aid plan

Syrian rebels have signed a deal with the UN for aid delivery in besieged east Aleppo.
Anger over the Turkish government's crackdown following the July coup has prompted the European Parliament to urge a freeze of EU membership talks with Ankara.

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Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

Thai migrant women are victims of domestic violence at seven times the national rate, mostly at the hands of their Australian-born partners, the latest data shows.
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia has decided to celebrate Australia Day two days later after hearing the concerns of Aboriginal elders.
The world’s leading orangutan scientist is urging Australians to support the campaign for mandatory labelling of palm oil in all food products.
A Bangladeshi doctor and her two children are facing deportation after her daughter's developmental delay lead to the rejection of their application to stay in...
Families continue to arrive each month to join a growing community of Yazidi refugees in regional New South Wales.
The Feed
The thing about domestic violence, for many of us it just seems like too big a problem, too hard for us to do anything meaningful about: but one company is...
Tyrone Unsworth, a 13-year-old Brisbane high-school student, took his life earlier this week following years of relentless bullying over his sexuality.