US votes

The best of SBS' coverage of the race to the White House.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has filed for a recount in Wisconsin and will also file for recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on Thursday launched a bid to seek a vote recount in Wisconsin, the first of three Rust Belt states won by Donald Trump where she intends to challe...
The Clinton campaign hasn't responded to a request for comment as to whether it will petition for a recount in three battleground states.
Donald Trump chose a Republican critic to join his cabinet Wednesday, the first woman on his top team after his early picks rewarded campaign loyalists.
US President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday disavowed the white nationalist 'alt-right' movement that has cheered his election, saying he did not want to 'energize' them.
President-elect Donald Trump will not push for further investigation of Hillary Clinton related to her private email use and the Clinton Foundation, a close adviser said Tuesday, breaking with a key c...
US President-elect Donald Trump released a video on Monday laying out actions he will take on his first day in office on Jan. 20, including withdrawing the United States from a Trans-Pacific Partnersh...


President Donald Trump's 'grab her by the p*ssy' has entered the common vernacular, and there are fears it will embolden men to go forth and grab away. Comedian Lauren Bok has a list of ways to make s...
The internet is having a field day sharing a bunch memes of the President and Vice President preparing for the Donald Trump Presidency.
Trumpmageddon is coming and no one can stop it now if you want to survive in the soon to be post apocalyptic landscape that will be the world in a few months comedian Ben McLeay can help.

We're not laughing now, are we?

A joke of a candidate was just voted into the most powerful job in the history of the world, you gotta laugh right? Except you can't. Comedian Ben McLeay explains just why that is.

What Is The Worth Of Satire Now?

Donald Trump is president and all the comedians in the world couldn't stop it from happening. In these dark times, head writer for the Backburner, James Colley tells us what satire is really worth and...
“If you asked Donald Trump to draw a fallopian tube, I cannot imagine what you would get back other than a child's drawing of a cobra.”

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