WA News

Radio 6PR's search for Perth's best pub - Odin Tavern, Balcatta

Balcatta might bring to mind visions of an industrial area for most, so some might be surprised to hear 6PR Radio personality Karl Langdon singing the praises of a pub in the area.

As part of his quest to find Perth's best pub, Langdon visited the Odin Tavern and came home more than satisfied.

Sometimes you can't judge a book by its cover and, while Langdon admits that the pub's interior was more impressive than its exterior, overall he was pretty impressed with his lunch.

Situated a few blocks up from the Balcatta Bunnings, Langdon described the Odin Tavern as "top class".

It was busy the day he visited due to the regular "tradies and ladies" lunch deals, but he said the staff coped well, the venue was clean and tidy and he really enjoyed his experience.

There are several seating areas to choose from, table service, and plenty of menu options - as well as a well-priced wine list starting from $6.50 for a glass of wine and $24 for a bottle.


Langdon said diners got value for their money with the tavern's meals.

He visited the Odin with his producer Ben Cameron, who ordered the ribs for $29.50.

The dish turned out to be huge so after Langdon finished his veal, he polished off the last of his colleague's lunch.

Langdon said his veal schnitzel was good other than perhaps the batter being a little too thick.

But a bit of thick batter was not enough to tarnish the visit.

"I'd definitely go there again" he said.

"The staff was friendly and efficient, better than most in 2016.

"I even left a tip."

The Langdon Verdict: 9.5/10

Venue: The Odin Tavern

Where: 51 Erindale Road, Balcatta​

Contact: 9345 3316