Australia has a strong case to have the country's most wanted terrorist, Neil Prakash, prosecuted under Australian law, a counter-terrorism expert says.

Iraq bomb death toll rises to 73

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the most deadly bombing in Iraq in almost six months.
Syrian army units advanced in Aleppo on Friday and pounded rebel-held eastern neighbourhoods with air strikes and shelling, causing new deaths among besieged...

Train crash kills 44 in Iran

A collision between a moving passenger train and a stationary one in Iran has killed 44 people and injured more than 100.
A wildfire has been brought under control at the Israeli city of Haifa but other blazes continue to rage across the country.
The death toll from a train collision at a station in northern Iran has risen to 15, with dozens more injured.
Syrian civil-war rescue organisation the White Helmets apologises for taking part in the mannequin challenge.
An attack on a checkpoint in Egypt's northern Sinai has claimed the lives of at least eight security personnel.
At least 32 civilians, including five children, were killed Thursday in Syrian regime air strikes and artillery bombardment on rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo,...
A suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State group killed at least 70 people, mainly Shiite pilgrims, south of Baghdad Thursday, in the latest jihadist attack...
Tens of thousands of Israelis fled raging bushfires in the northern city of Haifa Thursday, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said any proof of arson would be...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to flood Europe with migrants if his country continues to be pushed by the EU.
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a suiciding bombing at a petrol station north of Baghdad that has killed about 100 people.
A car bomb attack targeting a government building in the southern Turkish city of Adana has killed at least two people and wounded 33 others.
Forces battling the Islamic State group in northern Iraq cut off the jihadists' last supply line from Mosul to Syria Wednesday, trapping them in the city for a...

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

Thai migrant women are victims of domestic violence at seven times the national rate, mostly at the hands of their Australian-born partners, the latest data shows.
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia has decided to celebrate Australia Day two days later after hearing the concerns of Aboriginal elders.
The world’s leading orangutan scientist is urging Australians to support the campaign for mandatory labelling of palm oil in all food products.
A Bangladeshi doctor and her two children are facing deportation after her daughter's developmental delay lead to the rejection of their application to stay in...
Families continue to arrive each month to join a growing community of Yazidi refugees in regional New South Wales.
The Feed
The thing about domestic violence, for many of us it just seems like too big a problem, too hard for us to do anything meaningful about: but one company is...
Tyrone Unsworth, a 13-year-old Brisbane high-school student, took his life earlier this week following years of relentless bullying over his sexuality.