UNDP and GoTL is improving access to water for people in En-Niño effected areas
UNDP and GoTL is improving access to water for people in En-Niño effected areas

Bobonaro, 26 October 2016, the United National Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) launched the construction of climate resilient water infrastructure for community in Daudo, Cailaco, Bobonaro municipality who are currently living under water stressed conditions.

TIMOR-LESTE: STAY CONNECTED Reducing Climate Risks, Building the Future
TIMOR-LESTE: STAY CONNECTED Reducing Climate Risks, Building the Future

ASIA'S YOUNGEST COUNTRY The economy of Timor-Leste has grown rapidly since the founding of the country in 2002. Timor-Leste is extremely mountainous. Before these roads were built, the majority of Timorese lived in isolation, far from towns and foreign influences, tied to their fields and animistic practices. Now, things are changing. Despite of their remote location, many communities are more connected than before.


Timor-Leste is blessed with a large portion of young people where 73% of the total population is under the age of 35. The youth are the future decision makers, leaders, and important actors in the socio-economic and political life. If they are educated, skilled and employed within an environment where they fulfil their potentials and aspirations, they can transform this small nation economically. The role of youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Timor-Leste is highly important. Within this context, UNDP together with the Government of Timor-Leste has organized a series of events targeting the youth to talk about social entrepreneurship, well-being and Sustainable Development Goals where the role of media and ICT is explored.

 Bele halo registu ba UNDP Kampu Inovasaun Negosiu Sociais ! Registu iha ne'e
Bele halo registu ba UNDP Kampu Inovasaun Negosiu Sociais ! Registu iha ne'e

PNUD hare katak imperserial nudaa’sentru nebe maka halaó ekonomia no estabelidade social, no suporta inisiativus nebe bele inkorpora iha kompentesias lokais, esperiensias no rekursus nebe atu fomenta espiritu empraserial ba susesu. Gia hosi fiar ida katak inovasaun ida neébe moris hahu hosi kraik nudaár xafe ba desenvolvimentu no mos kriasaun ba futuru ida diak ba Timor Leste, PNUD/UNDP interesadu tebes atu tau hamutuk no lori empresarius, kreatividades no mos buat tomak nebe halaó ba mudansas nebe positivu ba sosial.

Muhammad Yunus: “Youth are not jobs seekers. They are jobs creators.”

After fourteen years of independence, Timor-Leste welcomes development and shows progress in peace, stability and economic development. A smooth government transition in 2015 is a further signal of the country’s readiness to move forward.

United Nations holds first business forum on Sustainable Goals in Asia

Singapore, Thursday 3rd November 2016, The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Global Initiatives will welcome over 600 global business leaders, senior government officials, UN Agencies and NGO’s from across the globe for the Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development on 22nd-24th November at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

Launch of the Solar Panel System at the UN House in Dili

The new solar energy system at the UN House in Caicoli, Dili, will be launched at ceremony on Monday 24 October at 4.00pm. The system is one of the largest of its kind in Timor-Leste, and will support the UN House with clean and renewable energy in the years to come. Government representatives, heads of UN Agencies and representatives from the diplomatic corps will be present at the ceremony.

Institutional Improved Cook Stove (ICS) Distribution Event

Energy efficient and environment friendly cookstoves for school feeding program were distributed at Escola Basica Central Publica School in Hautemac, Manatuto through UNDP-GEF “Promoting Sustainable Bio-Energy through Biomass Production in Timor-Leste” on 27 October 2016.

Timor-Leste police builds public trust through effective communication

Trust is considered an important factor in establishing positive relationships between the police and the community. The police officers who are willing to take time to show kindness, understanding and consideration when interacting with the community will build trust and confidence in the police among the people. They would use communication skills for voluntary compliance wherever possible rather than resorting to physical coercion.

Domestic Resources Dominate Development Finance in Asia
Domestic Resources Dominate Development Finance in Asia

The Knowledge Exchange is part of a week-long Regional SDG Forum hosted by UNDP in Bangkok from 21 to 27 October. The Forum features also a conference on youth engagement in SDG implementation and a meeting on finance for development focused on how countries can mobilize the required financing for the envisioned transformation to sustainability.

Youth Forum on “Wellbeing, Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goals”
Youth Forum on “Wellbeing, Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goals”

Social Good Summit, annually held worldwide, is including Youth Forum. In this year, cross-cutting theme of the youth forum is how technology can be an effect on youth engagement and accelerated progress for SDGs so that we achieve the type of world we want to live in by 2030. #2030NOW asks the question, "What type of world do I want to live in by the year 2030?"

TIMOR-LESTE: STAY CONNECTED - Reducing Climate Risks, Building the Future
TIMOR-LESTE: STAY CONNECTED - Reducing Climate Risks, Building the Future

It may not be a highway connecting the big cities, but this unpaved road is what connects the local communities to water, education, business and the hope of a future that can lead to anywhere. Photo essay of the story: https://undp-adaptation.exposure.co/timorleste-stay-connected

The ‘Time Has Come’ to Reduce Stigma in Health Care Settings

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Human Rights Adviser’s Unit and WHO worked together with the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health (INS) to host a five day national training of 33 health care workers, civil society members and Timor-Leste’s National Human Rights Institution, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça, to reduce stigma and discrimination of men who have sex with men and transgender people. The training was held at the INS from 19-23 September 2016.