hubmag july 2015

The Unmotivated Asshole’s Guide To Passive Income With Niche Sites

Soooo… I feel like everybody with an IM blog is busy guru-ing and taking over the world with their spam while I’m just here twiddling my thumbs.

If you’re looking for motivation or wisdom, I’m going to tell you right now that you’re on the wrong blog. What you’ll find here is a lack of motivation, disdain, and apathy about internet marketing and seo.

With that out of the way, let’s recap.

Hubmag Jan 2015 Amazon Niche Sites

2015 Niche Sites Reboot (And A Look Back At 2014)

Happy belated new years, folks! Sorry, but I really do suck at this goal tracking/blogging/updating stuff. Better late than never. And technically it’s still the first month of January 2015, so… Which of my 2014 goals did I achieve? Internet marketing and writing stuff I AM NOT A BLOGGER. I AM A CAPITALIST PIG. Yes! Yes! Yes! 90% of my blog posts on my niche sites are product reviews. The

Make money with amazon affiliate niche sites

Amazon niche sites income report October 2014 – I survived penguin

Penguin 3.0 update aftermath Another Penguin update and right before the holiday shopping season too. Merry frickin Christmas! Site G was knocked back, but survived the penguin update fairly well. For my short-tail keyword I’m currently ranked at #8 behind “big authority” sites like and Remember how I stated in my September 2014 income report that there were a bunch of content mill and junk results on page


Niche sites update – weekly progress report

Hey guys!  I promised you that I would keep you updated on what’s happening on a weekly basis so here’s a quick update for the 1st week of October. What I’ve done: Content: I added 1 new landing page to site B and 1 new landing page to site A.  I also completely overhauled the old pages on sites B & A so they don’t look like crap. Links: I


I made $1624.34 in 8 weeks with Amazon niche sites with no linkbuilding and no keyword research – progress report 5

If you’ve followed my Amazon niche sites follow-along then you know that every couple of weeks I post a progress report on what I’ve done on my 9 niche sites and how much I’ve earned each month from and other affiliate programs. I am building all 9 sites on expired domains with new and unique content. This progress report is the fifth update and concludes 8 weeks since the

Stop messing with "my clippings.txt" or mbp files!  Here's a way to instantly export your highlights to your page.

How to automatically export kindle notes and highlights from books you didn’t buy from Amazon

This is a part of my goal to become more organized and to automate processes in my life to simplify and save time. The Problems Amazon’s restrictions on the kindle only lets you export highlights and notes from books you’ve bought from Amazon.  This leaves notes you’ve taken for any other documents trapped on your kindle.  I like to download blog posts and other documents onto my kindle so I


Make Money With Niche Sites – Progress Report #4 (Week 4)

Hello and welcome to another episode of Let’s Make Money Online with Niche Sites. Today we’ll conclude the first month of this follow-along. Recap: In the beginning of August I launched 3 new niche sites. The results have been both underwhelming and surprisingly good. New content posted this week There’s not very much to report I’m afraid. I always update and add new content to existing pages rather than create


Niche Sites Progress Report #3 (Week 2) – We Have Sales and Traffic!

I originally started this post the week of August 11. I’m only posting it now because I went to Macau instead.  See! What’d I tell you guys.  L*A*Z*Y*. Please excuse the delay. These progress reports track the development of some new niche sites I started in the beginning of the month.  These progress reports are really more for me than they are for you. The most surprising thing I’ve learned


Daily Progress Report #2

I have no idea what I’m doing. These progress reports are a form of self-therapy for me as well as a way for me to keep track of what I’ve done.  As a lazy s*o*b* I work in manic spurts and enjoy very long periods of inactivity in between. This means that I have no idea what I’ve done or how to do what I did every time I pick


Daily Progress Report #1

New Niche Sites I have several expired domains that have been sitting around in my accounts for over a year.  So far I’ve done nothing with them besides add a blank wordpress install.  All of these domains have regained their PR and receive a trickle of visitors every day.  These are the domains I’m going to use for my new niche site projects. I’ve gone through and installed the default

Want to make niche sites together?

Follow me step by step as I launch my new niche sites and make money with the Amazon affiliate program.

Want to make niche sites together?