
'Aussiest' interview ever guy cashes in on heroic pursuit with Sunrise

From the media machine that gave us the "Chk Chk Boom" girl and perpetual party boy Corey Worthington, a new star was born on breakfast television on Thursday morning.

But exactly how long Hendra local Daniel McConnell's star will burn for remains to be seen.

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Undies hero relives chase

A Hendra resident who confronted a man who had allegedly driven his car into a fish and chip shop says he gave chase when "all I had was me jocks on". Nine News

McConnell, minus a few front teeth but resplendent with tattoos, gave a blow-by-blow account on Channel Nine's Today about chasing a car that had driven into a nearby shop.

In his unique Australian drawl, McDonnell told Today: "I jumped out of bed, all I had was me undies on and I've walked out the front and I've seen the car smashed and I saw the bloke walking back to the car and I said, 'What are you doing, mate? You can't be leaving the scene. He goes, 'Don't be a hero, mate.' I said, 'I'm not trying to be a hero but the police are coming.' " 

That was at 7am. By 7.30am, Channel Seven's rival show Sunrise had him on air. 

It wasn't so much the event as the entertainment value McConnell and his thick Aussie accent provided that made him an instant star, especially with Nine's Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson. 


Predictably a media bidding war broke out between the three commercial TV networks for him to appear on Today, Sunrise or Channel Ten's The Project.

But, in 24 hours, and following some seriously big cash offers of up to $10,000, it was Sunrise that secured McConnell, whisking him onto a plane bound for Sydney and having him locked down in a hotel room near Martin Place in preparation for his interview at the Sunrise studios on Friday morning with the plummy-by-comparison sounding Samantha Armytage and David Koch. 

PS was later informed that "Kochie" was a "personal favourite" of McConnell, which was what apparently clinched the deal to get him on their show for the bargain price of just $1000, along with a free trip to Sydney, no doubt much to Karl and Lisa's dismay. 

McConnell said his previous trip to Sydney was when he worked as a ride operator at the Royal Easter Show.

Friday was the last official weekday ratings day for 2016, so understandably the pressure was on to go out with a bang.

Read more of Andrew Hornery's Private Sydney tomorrowÂ