How Does An Ex-Soviet Bloc Spymaster Endorse Trump?

WorldNetDaily fave and ex-spymaster Ion Mihai Pacepa (and his co-author, Ronald Rychlak) strangely has nothing to say about Trump's cozy ties to Russia and its ex-Soviet spymaster leader Vladimir Putin.

Related: WND Bails on BirthersThe Snapping of David Kupelian's Mind

Working the Refs, MRC Style

The Media Research Center is lobbying debate and forum moderators to get them to take it easy on Donald Trump -- and it complains that others are doing the same thing (with seemingly more success).

The MRC's War on Jorge Ramos

UPDATED! The Media Research Center wants the Univision anchorman to lose his job for committing the offense of being critical of Donald Trump.

Bad Business At WND

The inability to understand how capitalism works -- and its knee-jerk insistence on falsely blaming the creative destruction of capitalism on the "Obama economy" -- is one big reason why WorldNetDaily is in serious financial trouble.

The MRC vs. A Football Player

The Media Research Center hurls an arsenal of personal attacks at Colin Kaepernick for his national anthem protest and refusing to acknowledge he has a reason for protesting.

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