- published: 09 Jul 2011
- views: 64712
Downstream is a 1929 British crime film directed by Giuseppe Guarino and starring Chili Bouchier, Harold Huth and Marie Ault.
A detective goes undercover by taking a job as a bargee in order to prevent a woman's death.
Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population. In a barbaric environment where bio fuel, batteries, bullets and people are currency and marauders roam free, Wes tries to escape to a mythical world run on cold fusion "Plutopia", a place that may only exist in the mind. THE BILL IS DUE. 'Downstream' is a view of the not so distant future. We follow a young man (everyone's son) as he pays the price for society's decadence.
Keywords: desert, oil, post-apocalypse
www.livingdownstream.com http://www.facebook.com/livingdownstream?ref=ts Raised in small-town Illinois, cancer seems to run in Sandra Steingrabers family. Sandra was diagnosed with bladder cancer when she was just twenty years old. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when Sandra was in high school. Many of her aunts and uncles have struggled with the disease. One aunt even died from the same form of bladder cancer that Sandra had. But while cancer runs in her family, she cannot say that it runs in her genes. Sandra is adopted. This unusual twist led Sandra to ask what else families have in common besides their DNA. The answer is all around us: our environment. Based on the acclaimed book by ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D., Living Downstream is...
Offizieller Prisoners Trailer 2013 (German / Deutsch) | Movie #Trailer in HD (OT: Prisoners) Kinostart: 10 Okt 2013| Abonnieren ➤ http://abo.yt/kc | Filminfos https://KinoCheck.de/film/81h/prisoners-2013 Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), raubeiniger Handwerker aus Pennsylvania, liebt seine kleine Tochter über alles. Als sie an Thanksgiving zusammen mit ihrer besten Freundin gekidnappt wird, führt die Spur zu einem heruntergekommenen Wohnmobil. Dessen Besitzer Alex (Paul Dano) ist schnell geschnappt, doch Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) kann ihm nichts nachweisen. Zähneknirschend muss er den geistig minderbemittelten Alex laufen lassen. Dover dagegen ist fest von Alex' Schuld überzeugt -- so fest, dass er beschließt, das Gesetz in die eigene Hand zu nehmen. Er entführt Alex und versucht, i...
Based on the acclaimed book by ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber, this award-winning documentary follows Sandra during one pivotal year as she travels across North America, working to break the silence about cancer and its environmental links. After a routine cancer screening, Sandra receives a worrisome result. Thus, we begin two journeys with Sandra: her private struggle with a possible cancer recurrence and her public quest to bring attention to the toxic chemicals in our environment. We follow these invisible toxicants as they migrate to some of the most beautiful places in North America. We see how they enter our bodies and, once inside, how they may contribute to cancer formation. Experts in the fields of toxicology and cancer research talk about their own findings --...
Offizieller "Bad Moms" Trailer Deutsch German 2016 | Abonnieren ➤ http://abo.yt/kc | (OT: Bad Moms) Movie #Trailer | Kinostart: 22 Sep 2016 | Filminfos https://KinoCheck.de/film/1kl/bad-moms-2016 Amy, verheiratet, zwei Kinder, berufstätig, hat es eines Tages satt, die perfekte Mutter, Ehe- und Karrierefrau zu sein und bis zum Rande der Erschöpfung von allen ausgenutzt zu werden. Sie schmeißt ihren treulosen Ehemann raus, wird gemeinsam mit zwei anderen überforderten Müttern zur bekennenden „Bad Mom“ und lernt, das Leben wieder zu genießen. Doch dabei legen sich die drei ausgerechnet mit den perfekten Hausfrauen an der Schule ihrer Kinder an... Endcard Videos ROGUE ONE: Star Wars deutscher Trailer ➤ http://youtu.be/_odBBmHRPqM RADIO HEIMAT Exklusiv Trailer German Deutsch (2016) ➤ http://yo...
It must be the same anticipation with which we wait for spring that we wait for chilling nights that freeze the ground beneath us. Typically this drives all but the most menacing of fly anglers inside beside a warm fire to sip whiskey laden ice cubes, or apple cider drenched in rum. For those who choose frigid, windy and wet mornings to rise before the sun...The opportunities are endless. Coming from Mad Fisher Media, a new film exploring Fly Fishing in southern Ontario DOWNSTREAM ~ CHROME HIGHLIGHTS Swinging for Steelhead in southern Ontario in a custom driftboat built by trout geek Ken Chandler Dave Barrett Ken Chandler Mike Barrand Michael Falcioni Bill Barrett Praxis Productions - info@praxisproductions.com Madfisher Media - info@madfisher.net http://ww...
There is an underground cult of hardcore fly anglers in Ontario obsessed with chasing wild trout in virtually untouched waters. For many, the only way to experience these streams is vicariously, through stories and myths passed down from generation to generation. Those who know these streams keep them secret and hold them close. Most of these anglers are as tight lipped as the fish that swim in these streams. Follow us chasing huge brown trout with streamers in some of Ontario's finest trout streams. Hatch Addicts obsessing over mayfly hatches and spinnerfalls while casting to colourful brook trout and weary browns in tiny streams. Coming from Madfisher Media, a new film exploring Fly Fishing in southern Ontario DOWNSTREAM Drifting pristine waters in a custom driftb...
All night lying on the floor
Just to feel the earth beneath me
Moonlight cascades on my face
Let me know that I am breathing
High tides wash away my sins
Let him know that I am here
As I lie broken on the shore
I hear him sing that golden hymn
Rivers flow only once you have realized
That we are all just drifting downstream
Sunlight shine upon my bones
Let him know that I am waiting
Cruel jokes ease the pain with time
Lets the soul pass peacefully
Rivers flow only once you have realized
That we are all just drifting downstream