25 November 2016

Syrian war threatens to escalate as Turkey accuses Damascus of attacking its troops

By Jordan Shilton, 25 November 2016

The escalation of tensions between Syria and Turkey, a NATO member, poses the very real risk of direct clashes between the major powers.

US arms Syrian Islamists with surface-to-air missiles

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Incoming Trump administration prepares assault on federal workers

By Nick Barrickman, 25 November 2016

In the first of many attacks on the living standards of American workers, the incoming Trump administration is targeting federal employees for job and pension cuts.

German establishment criticizes Trump’s protectionist economic policy

By Peter Schwarz, 25 November 2016

The German establishment is alarmed that Donald Trump’s “America first” policy could plunge the world economy into the kind of trade war witnessed in the 1930s.

German Left Party backs European army

In wake of Trump election, Baltic states push for military build-up against Russia

By Markus Salzmann, 25 November 2016

The leaders of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are demanding EU members drastically increase their military spending.

Anxiety in Australian elite over Trump’s policies

By Mike Head, 25 November 2016

“America first” protectionism could lead to trade wars that would crash the global economy, with disastrous consequences for Australian capitalism.

More on the 2016 US elections »

Fascist Thomas Mair convicted of murdering Labour MP Jo Cox

By Robert Stevens, 25 November 2016

Cox was killed just one week prior to the referendum vote on Britain’s membership of the European Union.

Trial of fascist accused of murdering UK Labour MP Jo Cox begins

French right’s presidential primary highlights shift far to the right

By Alex Lantier and Alice Laurençon, 25 November 2016

François Fillon and Alain Juppé, who will run Sunday in the second round of the French right’s presidential primary, held one last debate on Thursday night.

Former economy minister Macron announces French presidential election bid

“There are a lot of struggling people in the Detroit Metro area”
Hard-pressed Detroit area families face bleak holiday

By Shannon Jones, 25 November 2016

As we enter the holiday season, residents of Detroit and surrounding suburbs face continued high levels of unemployment, food insecurity and homelessness.

Police attack on Dakota Access Pipeline protest results in 300 injuries

By Genevieve Leigh, 25 November 2016

Sophia Wilansky, 21, was severely injured by a police concussion grenade, and may require an arm amputation.

Construction accident in Queens, New York kills two workers

By Mark Witkowski, 25 November 2016

In the drive to maximize profit for the construction and real estate industries, the safety and well-being of workers is given a back seat to the demands of real estate developers.

Police use water cannons on Dakota Access Pipeline protesters

Australia: Mounting evidence of black lung cover-up

By Oscar Grenfell, 25 November 2016

Thousands of miners could be afflicted by the deadly disease as a result of the erosion of safety standards by the major companies, with government and union complicity.

New in Russian

После избрания Трампа: Перегруппировка американской политики

Патрик Мартин, 25 ноября 2016 г.

Руководство Демократической партии с необычайной скоростью бросилось поддерживать Трампа, основываясь на программе экономического национализма и торговой войны.

New in Spanish

¿Qué supone para Europa la elección de Trump?

Por Alex Lantier, 25 noviembre 2016

El ascenso de Trump es un punto de inflexión para las relaciones internacionales, incrementando la posibilidad de un conflicto a nivel global.

New in French

Débat Fillon-Juppé : la bourgeoisie française tourne vers l'extrême-droite

Par Alexandre Lantier et Alice Laurençon, 25 novembre 2016

François Fillon et Alain Juppé, qui se présentent dimanche au second tour des primaires de droite pour les présidentielles, ont participé à un dernier débat jeudi.

Hillary Clinton mène par deux millions de voix au vote populaire américain

Par Patrick Martin, 25 novembre 2016

L’avance de Clinton dans le vote populaire est éludée par les médias et l’establishment américain, dont la direction du Parti démocrate.

La fête de Thanksgiving 2016 et la crise sociale en Amérique

Par André Damon, 25 novembre 2016

Pour des millions de familles américaines le jour férié de la fête de Thanksgiving ne fera que souligner l’insécurité économique et la misère sociale auxquelles elles sont confrontées

Allemagne : le parlement étudiant de l’Université Humboldt à Berlin s’oppose à la publicité militaire à l’université

Par notre correspondant, 25 novembre 2016

La motion visant à interdire la publicité faite par l’armée à l’université a été présentée par le groupe Étudiants et jeunes internationalistes pour l’égalité sociale (IYSSE) de l’université Humboldt.

New in German

Thanksgiving im Zeichen der sozialen Krise in Amerika

Von Andre Damon, 25. November 2016

Am nationalen Feiertag Thanksgiving werden Millionen amerikanische Familien ihre wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit und soziale Misere besonders bitter empfinden.

Deutsche Reaktionen auf Trumps protektionistische Wirtschaftpolitik

Von Peter Schwarz, 25. November 2016

Die „America first“-Politik Donald Trumps hat in Deutschland Befürchtungen ausgelöst, die Weltwirtschaft werde in eine ähnliche Phase des Protektionismus zurückfallen wie in den 1930er Jahren.

Hillary Clinton erhielt zwei Millionen Stimmen mehr als Trump

Von Patrick Martin, 25. November 2016

Clintons Vorsprung bei den Wählerstimmen wird von den amerikanischen Medien, dem politischen Establishment und sogar der demokratischen Parteiführung größtenteils ignoriert.

Obama lehnt Begnadigung Snowdens ab

Von Jerry White, 25. November 2016

In einem Interview mit deutschen Medien wies Obama eine Begnadigung des NSA Whistleblowers Edward Snowden durch den Präsidenten ab.

IYSSE kandidieren zur StuPa-Wahl 2017 an der Humboldt-Universität

Von unserem Korrespondenten, 25. November 2016

Am Mittwoch reichten Mitglieder der IYSSE die Kandidatenliste beim Studentischen Wahlvorstand ein. Die Wahl findet am 17. und 18. Januar statt.

Soy Nero: Ein zeitgemäßer Film nach der Trump-Wahl

Von Stefan Steinberg, 25. November 2016

Der sehenswerte Film Soy Nero von Rafi Pitts über die amerikanisch-mexikanische Grenze gewinnt nach der Wahl von Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten große Aktualität.

Other Languages


Election of Donald Trump foreshadows trade war in Asia

25 November 2016

Trump has not only sunk the Trans Pacific Partnership but called into question the entire basis of the post-World War II order in the Asia Pacific.

Earlier Perspectives »


Canada must be inside Trump’s “walls,” declares voice of financial elite

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 25 November 2016

Canada’s elite is determined to deepen collaboration with Washington as it pursues, under the most right-wing administration in US history, confrontation with its main rivals.

Thanksgiving 2016 and the social crisis in America

By Andre Damon, 24 November 2016

Hillary Clinton leads by two million in US popular vote

By Patrick Martin, 24 November 2016

Trump to build on Obama’s antidemocratic legacy

By Tom Carter, 24 November 2016

As Trump assembles a war cabinet, the Kremlin hopes for better relations

King Donald meets his media courtiers

More on the 2016 US elections »

The 19,000 Dow: Markets soar on prospects for profiteering under Trump

By Nick Beams, 24 November 2016

UK government Autumn Statement: Economic crisis accelerates after Brexit vote

By Robert Stevens, 24 November 2016

2016 Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony
Obama awards those who “have helped make me who I am”

By David Walsh, 24 November 2016

Lessons of protests against murder of Jaffna University students in Sri Lanka

By K.Nesan and V. Gnana, 24 November 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

25 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Unions, aided by the pseudo-left, push through poverty-level wage deals
Lessons of the Harvard University Dining Services strike

By Mike Ingram, 23 November 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Germany: Humboldt University Student Parliament opposes military advertising at university

By our reporter, 24 November 2016

Australia: IYSSE establishes student club at the University of Melbourne

By our reporters, 24 November 2016

Humboldt University Professor Sandkühler’s response to the IYSSE: A declaration of intellectual bankruptcy

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 23 November 2016

Oppose right-wing ideology at Humboldt University: An open letter to Professor Thomas Sandkühler

The Fight for Historical Truth at Humboldt University »


Bleed for This and The Edge of Seventeen: Are these any match for the times?

By Joanne Laurier, 24 November 2016

Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) dies at 82

The “madness” of war dimly understood in Hacksaw Ridge and the world set right by aliens in Arrival

Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk: Ang Lee on the Iraq war and American hoopla

Socialist Equality Party

New Zealand: Auckland youth and workers concerned over US election result, danger of war

By our correspondents, 24 November 2016

Report by Julie Hyland to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By Julie Hyland, 21 November 2016

Report to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party: The strategic lessons

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
For a new socialist movement against militarism, austerity and war

SEP and IYSSE public meetings
The election of Donald Trump: The political issues facing workers and youth

18 November 2016

SEP public meeting in Colombo: The international implications of Trump’s election

19 November 2016

Public meetings in New Zealand and Australia
The political causes and international implications of Trump’s election: A Marxist assessment

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 15 November 2016

Mehring Books


23 November 2016

All titles discounted from 10 percent to 50 percent during our annual holiday sale. Week 1: The Russian Revolution.

NEW! Available for your eReader from Mehring Books
Globalization and the International Working Class: A Marxist Assessment

17 November 2016

Mehring Books is offering this analysis of the transformation of world economy, first published in 1998 and now out of print, for both ePub and Kindle eReaders.

25 years ago: Haitian refugees die on the high seas

Late on November 22, 1991, a boat carrying 160 refugees sank in the straits between Haiti and Cuba, with all those aboard lost.

More »

50 year ago: Chinese Red Guards attack workers

On November 23, 1966, the newspaper of the Chinese Red Guards reported a violent clash between student members of the Red Guards and factory workers in Beijing.

More »

75 years ago: Red Army defeats Wehrmacht at Rostov

On November 21, 1941, as part of the attack upon the Soviet Union’s Caucasus region during Operation Barbarossa, German forces entered the Soviet city of Rostov and seized a bridgehead across the River Don.

More »


100 years ago: Austrian Emperor Franz Josef dies

On November 21, 1916, Emperor Franz Josef I, the Habsburg ruler of Austria-Hungary, died in Vienna at the age of 88.

More »


Record-low sea ice as Arctic temperatures soar

By Daniel de Vries, 22 November 2016

International Committee of the Fourth International

The International Committee of the Fourth International founds its French section

By our reporter, 15 November 2016

Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!

15 November 2016

November 5 Antiwar Conference

SEP candidate Jerry White addresses Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
The global crisis and the danger of world war

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP’s vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth reviews lessons of the Sanders campaign

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates Naomi Spencer speaks on the social crisis in Appalachia