Antifa International
“ AK Press sez: We’re all still trying to figure out a way forward in the looming Age of Trump. The path isn’t entirely clear to us, but we know it’s gonna mean a fight—a long and difficult fight. One thing we thought we could do off the...


AK Press sez: We’re all still trying to figure out a way forward in the looming Age of Trump. The path isn’t entirely clear to us, but we know it’s gonna mean a fight—a long and difficult fight. One thing we thought we could do off the bat though was make a few useful ebooks we’ve published available for free. We hope you’ll read them, share them, and use them as food for thought and action.

You can find links to them here:

Just choose which of these three e-books you want (you can have them all!), go through the checkout process (you won’t be asked for payment info), and you will receive an e-mail with a link to download.


While you’re at it, do yourself a favour & pick up their book about the Rojava revolution, A Small Key Can Open A Large Door!

any groups in australia??

Have you tried googling “antifascist” and “australia”? 

Here, let us do that for you.

asked by Anonymous
I'm literally unable to process conflict due to my disability, and I'm too poor to donate to any causes. I don't want to be a passive bystander during the current American presidency, but I don't know how I can help. What can I do to protect people now?

Hmm.  Well, we’d recommend you read this response we posted to a question that was a bit similar to yours.  Hopefully that’ll give you some ideas!

asked by Anonymous
Hi, I support antifa but I am very new to it and have a lot to learn! What is the symbolism behind whether the red flag is in front or the black flag in the logo?

Oh yeah!  Well basically if the antifa group flying the flag has more people that tend towards communist/socialist politics, the red flag is usually up front; if the antifa group has more people leaning towards the anarchist side of things, the black flag is usually up front!

This isn’t always the case but generally we find that that’s what’s up.

asked by Anonymous
Do you have any advice or suggestions for people who want to be involved but are physically compromised or disabled? Also poor people who don't have money for self defense classes. Sorry if this has been answered before.

It has been answered before, but only a few minutes ago!  In case you missed it, here it is!

asked by Anonymous
Hi,is there an organization in Switzerland.I would like to participate.

Sorry, read this.

asked by Anonymous
Hello! Do you have some good antifa hardcore and/or street punk band recommendations?

Oh shit!  So many to choose from!

Oi Polloi!
The Prowlers
Moscow Death Brigade
The Oppressed
Blaggers ITA

You know what?  Check out any of the bands that play 0161 Fest in Manchester or any of the bands on Fire & Flames.  Those are great places to start!

asked by Anonymous
Antifa in northern Italy?

Sorry, read this.

asked by Anonymous
antifa groups in central jersey? like, somerset county?

Sorry, read this.

asked by Anonymous