Monthly Archives: July 2011

Week 2: Flyering downtown around Metro cuts

Thanks to all who came out for our collective flyering session last weekend! We were joined by some bus drivers, riders and friends. We got into many good conversations that are helping us in our organizing. We will be doing … Continue reading

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Seattle Free Riders Union: “We Won’t Pay”

Note: The Seattle Free Riders Union is independent of Black Orchid Collective.  Several of us are members of the FRU. Black Orchid members are involved in starting a new formation, the Seattle Free Riders Union (website still under construction). It … Continue reading

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Anti-Austerity resistance in Greece: “I Won’t Pay” movement

The global ruling classes are shoving austerity down the throats of all of us. In Seattle, WA, this has taken the form of budget cuts in education, healthcare, social services and most recently, transportation. King County (where Seattle is located … Continue reading

Posted in Labor, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

In solidarity with our comrades

Last weekend some comrades of ours were arrested unjustly and assaulted by the police.  Below are two links which provide more detail about what occurred and how to support. We ask that folks give donations to help them in their … Continue reading

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Join us Sunday 7/24: Flyer bus routes around Metro service cuts

Friends of BOC in Seattle, Join us on Sunday 7/24, to flyer on bus routes around the impending cuts to Metro! 16% cuts to Metro, and many of us working people, youth, unemployed, people with disabilities, elderly, womyn, are gonna … Continue reading

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The American Worker Part II: Service Industry Workers Speak Up

In Black Orchid Collective, we are inspired by the work of the Johnson Forrest Tendency, a grouping of Marxists  in the mid-2oth century who saw both the Soviet Union and the trade union bureaucracy here in the U.S. as oppressive, … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Labor, Race, Study Group, Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Marx the Militant Abolitionist: Study Questions for “Marx on the Margins”

Karl Marx’s wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln, on behalf of his organization, the First International. What he wrote sheds some serious light on race and class in America: “While the working men, the true political power of the North, … Continue reading

Posted in Labor, Race, Study Group, Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments