Monthly Archives: January 2012

Guest contribution from Brooklyn: Power and Justice as Unlimited Resources – An Interview with Support New York

Martyna Starosta, AKA  The Film Detective, from New York shares an interview with two members of a transformative justice collective.  We in Black Orchid are very interested in developing ways to challenge oppressive dynamics within organizations as a necessary tool … Continue reading

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Longview, Occupy, and Beyond: Rank and File and the 89% Unite!

This piece is written by the Black Orchid Collective in Seattle, with contributions from members of Advance the Struggle in the Bay area, members of Hella 503 in Portland, as well as friends in various cities.  We have all been … Continue reading

Posted in Group Statements, Labor, Strategy and Tactics, Theory, What's up in Seattle, Youth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 50 Comments

Articles on Decolonize/Occupy Seattle in Insurgent Notes and the Hella Occupy ‘zine

Hi folks, just a heads up that Black Orchid Collective published an article in the most recent issue of Insurgent Notes, outlining the development of Occupy Seattle and it’s radicalization over the past few months.   A condensed version of this … Continue reading

Posted in Group Statements, Media, Organizational Practice, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Feb 4th: Anti-Capitalist Smackdown!

Hey all, Come through! See Facebook invite here Several different anti-capitalist tendencies have come together in the Occupy movement. Now is a chance for us to meet publicly and clarify where we agree and disagree on a few key points.This … Continue reading

Posted in What's up in Seattle | 2 Comments

Guest post: Another perspective on Jan 6th 2012 Longview Solidarity event

This is a guest post by a comrade, Ryan W, who is a member of the Seattle Solidarity Network, Seasol. He writes an an individual and not as a formal representative of Seasol. Ryan, along with members from the International … Continue reading

Posted in Labor, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | 8 Comments

An Open Letter to Local 10 Longshoremen: Help Stop Repression in Local 19 Seattle!

Note: The author of this post is not in Black Orchid Collective and we do not necessarily endorse all of his views or assertions.  We do think his perspective must be seriously considered in this debate, however, so we wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Labor, Race, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Occupy Seattle Joins in Solidarity with the United Farm Workers

Occupy Seattle continues to develop as a force for labor organizing that crosses divisions between workers in different industries, employed and unemployed folks, and unionized and non-unionized workers.   This sort of organizing requires us to defy labor law and challenge … Continue reading

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