AgitProp Film Festival

UPDATE: Location change… UW Campus, Johnson Hall Room 111 | DIRECTIONS:… | MAP:…
Please come out to this if you can this weekend!

Alay ng Kultura (AK) presents a series of films and discussions to celebrate people’s arts and culture.

Film Schedule

Saturday, September 29

2 pm Black Power Mixtape
5 pm Sentenced Home
7 pm Paper Dolls (Bubot Niyar)

Sunday, September 30

2 pm Amigo
5 pm Sigwa
7 pm Sounds of a New Hope

In collaboration with UW-FASA, Bayan PNW, Pin@y Sa Seattle, Anakbayan Seattle, Philippine US Solidarity Organizations and Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites, Ladies First Collective, Youth Speaks Seattle, WAPI Community Services.

For more information and to RSVP check out the facebook page:

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About rewind13

I live and work and organize in Seattle. Am mainly focusing on anti-prison and anti-deportation work at this time. I work at a tiny non-profit and a cafe. I like writing and thinking about Queer Theory, Marxism, Class Composition and Poetry among other things. I also really really like books, lots of books.
This entry was posted in Africa, Asia, Colonialism, Gender, Labor, Media, popular culture, Race, What's up in Seattle. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to AgitProp Film Festival

  1. Pingback: Seattle: AgitProp Film Festival {Sept 29&30} | GREY COAST ANARCHIST NEWS

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