Federal Politics

Tom McIlroy

Tom McIlroy is a political reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who was the former health minister.

Peter Dutton doubles down on Lebanese-Muslim comments

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has turned the heat on those who have criticised him for his comments on terrorism problems in the Lebanese-Australian community, asserting that everything he has said is factual and that Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has been deceptive.

Peter Dutton said Malcolm Fraser made mistakes bringing some people to Australia in the 1970s.

Hewson slams Dutton over Fraser criticism

Former Liberal leader John Hewson has accused the Coalition of "cheap political arse-covering" over attempts to link Malcolm Fraser's 1970s immigration policies to gang activity and Islamic radicalisation.