- published: 08 Nov 2016
- views: 9
JS: #NYCPrayerMarch in support of the #StandingRock Sioux Nation.
Injustice At Standing Rock Is History Repeating Itself
Quebec Standing Rock Benefit Indian Reservation sung by k103 Radio DJ Timothy Armstrong
Meet the people of Standing Rock
Marcha en Montreal en apoyo a los indígenas sioux de Standing Rock
Help Us Bring Critical Supplies & Support to Standing Rock This Thanksgiving
EE.UU.: activistas rechazan proyecto de oleoducto en Standing Rock
Water Protectors Standing for Standing Rock.
Standing Rock in 360
On Saturday, November 5th, 2016, the Eagle and Condor Community Center organized the NYC Prayer March in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. (HELP ME keep doing this very important work. It takes time and money to cover rallies, marches and other events. MAKE A DONATION NOW using PayPal.com. It is safe to make a donation. Click here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=D7ECSS2TGALZC ) PHOTOS coming soon: http://www.javiersoriano.com/blog/tag/standing-rock/ More than a thousand supporters of the Water Protectors attended the march. The Prayer March Route was the Wickquasgeck Trail, the Lenni-Lenape path that ran the length of the island (Manahata). The march started at 1 Bowling Green (National Museum of the American Indian) and ended at Inwood...
The US has a long and sad history of breaking treaties with Native Americans. You would think we’d be past it by now, but clearly we are not. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. https://www.tytnetwork.com/join “The Standing Rock Sioux’s history is full of broken promises — their land eroded away over the past 165 years. As the tribe fights to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, click through our interactive map to see how from the first treaty, in 1851, the boundaries of the tribe’s land have changed.” Read more here: http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/watch-the-standing-rock-siouxs-ancestral-land-shrink-over-165-years/ Hosts: Cenk Uygur Cast: Cenk Uygur *** The Largest Online News Show in the World...
Timothy Armstrong performs with Rob Marcheterre for a benefit concert in support of Standing Rock Sioux Nation's held Nov 5th 2016 Donations still accepted through http://sacredstonecamp.org/faq/thank you in advance
Meet the people from around the world that have left their homes, their jobs and their conveniences to stand in solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux tribe.
Este lunes 7 de noviembre se llevó a cabo una marcha en Montreal en apoyo a los indígenas sioux de Standing Rock, en Dakota del Norte, quienes llevan adelante desde el pasado mes de abril una serie de acciones para oponerse de modo pacífico a la construcción de un oleoducto, Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) que pone en riesgo sus fuentes de agua. Los manifestantes en Montreal, encabezados por indígenas mohawk, también denunciaron la participación de los bancos canadienses en ese proyecto petrolero. Ellos sostienen que más de 600 millones de dólares fueron invertidos en el proyecto Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) por los bancos canadienses TD Canada Trust, RBC Royal Bank y el Scotiabank y piden que esos fondos sean retirados de tal proyecto petrolero.
The Dakota Access Pipeline owned by the Energy Transfer Partners is proposed to transport 450,000 barrels of crude oil per day from North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will cross over one of the largest aquifers in the world and under the Missouri River twice making it a massive threat to our environment and our well-being as humans. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe along with many other indigenous tribes and people from all over have gathered together to peacefully prevent the pipeline from reaching the Missouri River. Many of us have watched in absolute shock as we've seen the Peaceful Water Protectors' prayers and nonviolent actions met with tear gas, rubber bullets, arrests, and other forms of violence by the Morton County Police Department, other law enforcement personnel, and govern...
Activistas estadounidenses se manifestaron el día de ayer en Nueva York para hacer un llamado sobre los riesgos que implica la construcción de un oleoducto que pretende atravesar las tierras del pueblo originario sioux, en Standing Rock. teleSUR http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/eeuu-activistas-rechazan-proyecto-de-oleoducto-en-standing-rock/
Here is the first instalment of a new documentary that is in the works focusing on First Nations Water Issues. Through conversations such as Renée Thomas-Hill featured here, as well with youth, Traditional Knowledge Keepers, Pow Wow Dancers/Singers, Artists, Professors and Water Protectors/Warriors we will discuss ways First Nations Communities are coming together to raise awareness to our greatest resource. Water. The future of Water and how to best protect it. -- The Standing Rock Sioux Nation has issued a global call to action amid brave Land and Water Protectors facing brutal and outrageous treatment for prayerfully protecting life. On November 5th 2016, thousands of Water Warriors marched peacefully following the example of the Protectors. From Queens Park and along the way make...
On Saturday, November 5th, an estimated 4000 people took to the streets of Toronto in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and those who have been defending the land against the Dakota Access Pipeline. The march included speeches at Queen's Park, a stop outside the U.S. Embassy, and concluded at Nathan Philips Square with Toronto's largest circle dance.
360Video of #Nodapl protest front lines. Featuring Water Protector Tyler of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
North Dakota’s homeland security director ordered the removal of state-owned trailers and water tanks from the Dakota Access Pipeline protest campsite Monday, citing mounting reports of unlawful activity. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe simply want the US Treaties honored in regard to their land rights. All oil pipelines leak. Oil pipelines are leaking while I type this video description. Can the Indigenous peoples trust the US Government will not pollute the water? Can all Americans trust the US Government to protect them from oil poisoning the earth and water? As tribal members from across the nation streamed into the campsite, swelling its population to between 2,000 and 4,000 people depending on estimates, the loss of their main drinking water supply came as a blow and sent local of...
Obama's (Stay out of Scotland's Independence vote) visit to Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Nation in Cannon Ball, N.D. was only the 4th time in history that a sitting president has visited Indian country. Obama used the occasion to pledge renewed efforts on Indian education, health care and economic development.
Obama's (Stay out of Scotland's Independence vote, OK for you but not us?) visit to Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Nation in Cannon Ball, N.D. was only the 4th time in history that a sitting president has visited Indian country. Obama used the occasion to pledge renewed efforts on Indian education, health care and economic development.
in front of the CNN Tower on Sunset Boulevard In Los Angeles, people gather with the sacred to stand in solidarity with The Standing Rock Sioux and all those actions across the world which protect the sacred . they come to the Black Tower to bring light to the media blackouts across the world and to express other ways towards understanding Mahalo Nui Loa Mahalo Kahara Hodges for the song Tsodizin (Grandparent Song) Mahalo Aztlan Underground for clip of the song Revolution Mahalo Unicorn Riot https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ Mahalo Democracy Now http://www.democracynow.org camera Dr. Kalamaoka'aina Niheu editing Oren Tsutsumi archiving of videos on youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf1vsFxwwhthIWew62MCWIQ ‘Aha Aloha ‘Āina https://ahaalohaaina.com/ ‘Āi...
On The Stream: Native Americans protest a massive oil pipeline in the US state of North Dakota.
. https://www.paypal.me/4UTWO . Mondoweiss Article: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/10/palestinians-standing-pipeline/ . *** **FAIR USE** Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. *** *** No copyright infringement intended.*** *** All materials used property of their respective owners. *** . NoDAPL,North Dakota,pipeline,Palestine,Palestinians,Israel,oppression,White Nationalism in America,greed,corporate greed,Sioux,
Mní Wičhóni, Ola i ka Wai, water is life protect the sacred Mahalo Nui Loa Mahalo Red Warrior Camp Facebook for video https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0 Red Warrior Camp Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RedWarriorCamp/?fref=ts Sacred Stone Camp https://www.facebook.com/SacredStoneCamp/?fref=tsediting Oren Tsutsumi mahalo to Kiana Marshall ‘Aha Aloha ‘Āina https://ahaalohaaina.com ‘Āina Lāhui https://ainalahui.com Protest Na'i Aupuni @ http://protestnaiaupuni.com ‘Aha Aloha ‘Āina facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/2111058639035276 Protest Na'i Aupuni facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPPOSE.Nai.Aupuni DAPL Blackout by CNN and Solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux https://youtu.be/kGI0xjtPVXI #noDAPL #FrontLineHawaiian #MniWiconi #WaterIsLife #S...
Standing Rock Indian Reservation straddles the border between North and South Dakota. Their youth program reaches over 500 youth and focus on projects that have strong ties to the culture. Since 2005, their group has traveled off the reservation to share the culture by performing traditional dance. Four youth will be performing traditional dance. Two young women will be showcasing the Women's Traditional Dance, one young man will be doing Men's Traditional, and one young man will be sharing our tradition by performing the Grass Dance. All five youth will be available share what life on the reservation is like for a young person. All five of the youth are enrolled members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
The start of the Bakken Pipeline has began on the standing Rock Sioux reservation. Protesters gathered at the scene as machinery and equipment drive onto their property. The tribe has been receiving letters from other supporting Siouan tribes of support in their efforts to stop the destruction, desecration and theft of the land. They have also been receiving support letters from other non Siouan tribes. Protesters have set up camp and word of many more on the way to join them. This is another broken treaty issue as well as the probable issues of environmental destruction of land and water. Two tribal officials have been arrested and one tribal employee along with others. Many prayers and songs being sung to the creator for protection of the land, the future of the people and all that live...
strength in honor of Feast of Tabernacles to skip sections: 2:20, 5:42, 9:55, 13:45 RasreportRasrevoltRasrebirth