Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president, dies aged 90

image for article: no description availableABC News

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who built a communist state on the doorstep of the United…

Live: Starc strikes early as Aussies put the pressure on

image for article: no description availableABC News

Mitchell Starc gets the early breakthrough, removing Dean Elgar for a duck after Australia was…

The J Files: Crowded House

Crowded House (Double J)Double J

There are no words that do justice to the impact Crowded House has had on contemporary music.

Women limited by interruptions in Senate

Sarah Hanson-Young, Michaelia Cash and Gillian Triggs in estimates hearings (ABC News) Life Matters

Women in Australian Senate estimates hearings are given less speaking time than male colleagues.

How to become a Lego artist

Ryan McNaught (ABC News: James Maasdorp) ABC News

Certified Lego professional Ryan McNaught has some tips to help you start that ambitious megastructure or artwork.

Can you negatively gear an empty house?

Houses for sale (ABC News) ABC Sydney

The concept behind negative gearing is that you are investing to make a profit out of rental.

What is concealed by 'telling it like it is'?

Public speaking microphone (Getty images) The Minefield

A certain kind of 'straight-talking' has been adopted in Western politics, in the name of being 'honest' with voters.

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