Author Archives: amarant0

Event: Asia’s Unknown Uprisings Author, George Katsiaficas, in Seattle

This Friday, August 16th, George Katsiaficas author of The Subversion of Politics and The Imagination of the New Left, is coming to Seattle to read from the second volume of his work Asia’s Unknown Uprisings (first volume here on Korea). He will be … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Colonialism, Communism, Labor, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Event: More 4 Mann – Seattle Public Schools’ Board Meeting

We are reposting a call out for solidarity. Members of the Black community in Seattle have been holding space in the abandoned Horace Mann School building (owned by the Seattle Public Schools). Free classes for youth and childcare have been … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Repression, Education struggles, Guest Posts, What's up in Seattle, Youth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Report back: Idle No More goes to the Port of Seattle

On March 21st, with high energy, dozens of handmade signs, and drums, 200-300 people rallied at Westlake in downtown Seattle and marched 3.8 miles to the port of Seattle and SSA Marine’s office in protest against the proposed coal terminals … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Colonialism, Ecology, Labor, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Native and Environmental Movements Are Opposing Coal Export Terminals – A Call for Solidarity From Port Workers

The indigenous liberation movement Idle No More has called for three days of action this week: 1. Day of Ceremony and Resurgence, March 20th 2. Idle No More Day of Action, March 21st (it is also the  International Day for the … Continue reading

Posted in Ecology, Immigration, Labor, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Idle No More goes to the Port of Seattle This Thursday, March 21, 2013 @3PM (Westlake) there will be an Idle No More march on the Seattle port to protest SSA Marine’s attempt to build a coal export terminal on Lummi Nation Sacred Land. These terminals are further colonizing indigenous land and threatening the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Repression, Colonialism, Ecology, Immigration, Labor, Race, What's up in Seattle, Youth | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Emi Koyama is coming to Seattle!

Emi Koyama will be speaking in Seattle on “War on Trafficking”? Resisting Criminalization as Solution to the ‘Modern Day Slavery.” The event will take place Thursday, January 10, 2013 @ 6PM @ HUB332, University of Washington. Emi is the author of … Continue reading

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Resource Sharing

A friend here in Seattle scanned and uploaded a couple of texts that have been very influential on BOC. We are reading (re-reading for some) Caliban and the Witch currently and will post up our discussion questions and notes soon. … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Asia, Colonialism, Communism, Gender, Immigration, Labor, Latin America, Middle East, Race, Study Group, Theory | 2 Comments